Switchyz Download map Prologue: Now, let me get a few things straight before we get to the map. First, thing I have to say is that this map is just a tad messy; I made this map before Sandbox and before I knew a lot of the glitches. Back then you didn't have to Interlock every little box or wall because if you knew you didn't people will start yelling at you for needing more Interlocking. When you first enter the map you might notice some things are not perfect but this map is supposed to about the Switches only and it's not supposed to look nice at every little box. Map description: The map consists of about 5 switches total but only 3 of them can really be called a switch. The three main switches consists mainly of the 'Min-Max technique'. While the other two are simple and is operated by the user throwing down a portable grav lift to start a elevator to take you to the top of Foundry. While the other 'switch' is a MUCH simpler version of another switch that allows vehicles and players to pass through while the door is opened. Also, a thing you all should know is that a lot/all of these switches has been made before. I have just compiled them into one map. I DO NOT take credit for any of these switches as me being the first to create them. I know all of them have been created before. You are free to do what you want with the map as long as you DO NOT claim it as your own. But, if you use my map other then just to see how the switch works then you MUST give credit where due. Map pictures, with description: Min-Max technique::Switch name: Unknown How to: Shoot propane tank and watch as it travels down the tube. On the way it will hit two more propane tanks which will explode and travel down to a small area with some fusion coils and a grav lift. Once grav lift is destroyed by the fusion coils the corresponding action will result another grav lift to instantly respawn in a small area with a soccer ball. The newly spawned grav lift will come out and is now able for you to play with. Have fun! Min-Max technique::Switch name: Unknown How to: Walk over to the custom power up and pick up custom power up then walk over to the dumpster. This will cause another custom power up to instantly respawn behind the dumpster. Once done touch the dumpster and back away and watch as the dumpster should 'pop out'. If it works correctly the dumpster should create a nice small platform for you to jump up to the next level. Climb/jump to the top of the platform! Technique: None::Switch name: Elevator How to: Walk over to the ramp leading up to the 'elevator shaft'. On the way up the ramp you should pick up a portable grav lift. Once all of the members (That are riding along) are in the elevator shaft you may throw down the portable grav lift on top of the crate. Have fun... You have reached your destination to the top of Foundry and you may enjoy the beautiful overview of Foundry. (Make sure that when you throw down the portable grav lift on the crate that you throw it down in the centre of the crate to further make sure your ride to the top of Foundry is not interrupted along the way). Technique: Unknown::Switch name: Unknown How to: Walk or drive up the ramp and pick up the over-shield. That over-shield will protect you if you happen to get hurt from the blast when the fusion coil is released. The over-shield is holding a fusion coil back or else the Man cannon will send it flying into another fusion coil which will destroy the grav lift holding up the pair of dumpsters which is impeding your movement. Once picked up the fusion coil is released and will destroy a few more fusion coils and ultimately destroy the grav lift holding the dumpster in place. When grav lift is destroyed the dumpster will fall and will allow you to move to the other side weather you be in a vehicle or a player walking. Congratulations! You made it across the border to safety. Watch for any border agents and have fun! Technique: Unknown::Switch name: Door How to: Walk to the small ramp where the over-shield is and pick it up. Once done the dumpster will drop, since the over-shield was holding up the dumpster. Walk up the stairs by the over-shield you just picked up and walk/crouch through to the other side of the dumpster that has just dropped because of the over-shield. Freedom! Epilogue/Final notes: Please note that not everything is perfect in this map. Please give credit to map author where due and do not claim this map is 'yours' to your friends. I am very proud of this map as this was the first map I ever thought about posting on the forums. Also note that this is also my first map I ever posted on the forums. If you see any problems with the thread then please contact me so I can fix it. I have tested all of these switches several times and I have made several improvements. Despite all the changes there is still a small percentage that one or more switches will fail. If you are going to look at these switches in 'Forge' then please make sure you start a new round as some of these switches run by using the 'Min-Max technique'. If you don't everything that was 'place at start no' will spawn and will screw up the switches for the round. Any problems with the map please contact me so I may try to fix it. Special thanks: Albyhouse/LOL zombie - Although you might not remember, you helped build one of the switches in the map now. Dizfunky - To be honest I'm not even sure you helped at all but I'm just going to put your name down anyway. In fact I think you actually slowed my progress. Orangeremi/Quiga - You helped also with one of the switches that I needed help with. Although we still couldn't get it working in the end, you helped. Eagle of Rust - Well, I'm not too sure who you are but you helped too; I guess. Rusty Eagle - You helped with the same switch that Quiga and I couldn't get working Goodwhalesushi - Well, you didn't help at all but you are one of my good friends so I thought I would put your name down. Coyoteboy1023 - Without him making one of the original 'slide door' switch and posting it up for me to get an idea from it; I would have never found out how to make the switch on the map now. Forge Hub - Thank you for being a great community and being my friends despite me not knowing who half of you may be. H3 artificer - That site is the reason I even decided to make the map; since back then I was just starting getting into switches, and it's large resource of switches helped me. Anyone else that may have helped me; but forgotten due to you not being epic enough, I guess. Thank you, my friends... Download map
Matt. lol your first FH map....Im so proud lol. Well even though it is no featured slayer map, you constructed these switches thoughtfully and neatly. You took pride in your work and got a great product. My favorite is the elevator i screwed up lol. I like how you used the fence box to show what is going on. Awesome map Matty!
Its pretty cool, seen them all done before... but I could use this in teaching others how to make switches and the like. The propane tank one is my favorite, it'll be nice not having to construct these things from scratch anymore. Oh, first map.. good job on it, I remember my first map.. ahh, those were the days. Needs moar interlocking tho, I have to say :
This is what took you 3 hours to post? lol. Looks good though. Some switches in there Ive never seen before. Nice compilation. I bet you could turn this with some editing into an actual great map. Anyway, congratz on your very first map lol... XD
Cool, commander, I am glad that you are interested in switches. With any of em where you spawn a CP to move the dumpster, just put a grenade next to the CP, that way when you grab them both, the grenade will react and the dumpster will recognize that it is interlocked. Also, cool, you remade the slide door by yourself! Hope soon that you can make the most complex switches! Good luck
Thank you... That elevator took me so long to build and make as perfect as possible. I had to do so many changes to make sure that crate rode up the shaft without getting stuck on any of the walls. The elevator must be my favorite since it took so long and how perfect it rides to the top. Yeah, this only too me about 3 hours to post the map since I kept on running into some problems right at the end when I was about to post. But, now that I'm finally done, I'm really happy how it turned out for the best. How about no.... I always tried to make a decent map other then switches but in the end I find out how much it sucks and I delete the map later. I just don't have the patients to make a actually map by myself. Thanks... I guess I should add you to the Original post since without H3A that I joined a long time ago; I would've not even tried to make this type of map. Also, I think you helped me a little bit too and if it wasn't for your slide door I would've never even made the switch we have now. Thank you, everyone
I really like switches and try to put them in maps (usually they ruin the map but wtf). I'de never thought of the dumpster ledge one and think that it would work really well in any map. I think the biggest problem with switches is that just about all of them auto-trigger after 3 mins. You should try and get the switch tutorial on forging 101 updated because atm it sucks.
WRONG! Only min-max switches activate after 3 minutes. That is one single mechanism out of an infinite amount! You just have to be creative! Plus you can get around that by making it so that two different scenarios must be true to activate it.
wow, that seemed really wierd reading it with your asian accent in mind. switches are good though, no matter where your from so good work from you my asian friend, even though i know how to use all the switches you showed.
i'm fairly shure this was posted a while ago. cause it said it was a loyals first map. Anyway, nice remixes, Thanx for the H3A shout out at the end!
this has like 5 differant switches in it. i like the automatic door using the grav lift n the fusion coils. i made that so long ago n i live that switch. nice map.