Wait maybe not, I 4got, the middle gate didn't open... sry it has been a long time ): (I think I imagined the gate opening a bit kinda like Zanzibar...)
lol, you've watched Red vs Blue too much mate. There wasn't a switch, just those verticle bars weren't there for asymmetric games.
swiches are really cool and innovative, but some get so complex that i would never think of executing them in a competative map
I love switches I normally use resistance switches iwth mancannons, grav lifts and CP's. Might have a go at an elevator
I don't see what the point of torpedo switch is. But the resistance and instance switch was very useful.
It is simply a demonstration to show the possibilities. But, I have found that the propane tanks offer a delayed reaction to your switch if you want to add that time factor or simply a different way of doing things. Also if you are using an instance switch with fusion coils, propane tanks offer another explosive form of dishing out justice.
instant switch i tried to make a instance switch but the run time min wouldn't go lower then 2. can someone please explain to me y wouldn't it go lower?
help!!!!! ok so i get how the instant switch works and i know how to do it but the grav lift always seems to spawn after 180 seconds even if i dont deystroy the other grav lift is this supposed to happen? is there anyway to stop this?
can you only do the instant switch on the newer map packs cause i cant get it to work on last resort (reason stated on my earlier post)
It should be able to work on all maps, check your settings. Maybe all of [Item] are spawning at the start because the run-times mins are at max. Or maybe you forgot to set one to Never respawn and the Run-time min to 1. And, if all that fails. Blame Stosh