wrong place dude but my friend actually did this is name is tylyr1 insane mapmaker and the way he used it is so insane i do not want to discuss it on forgehub incase somebody wants to take his idea
Some switches cant be redone exactly since some of them used dumbsters. And as far as I know nothing in sandbox is shaped like a dumbster and moveable.
Lol, FAIL THREAD.. Its possible to make probally 90% of the switches, as long as you can get an item simmilar to it, as in the propeties. Iv'e come up with an auwsome switch idea that can use the golfing pot and uses weights to activate a wire Its a pretty sweet idea, I might as well post, ICBA making myself, but if you encorperate this in a map give me some credit somewere, it only has to be small and send me a pm with a link to your map so I can check it out.. Here it goes... [] = golf hole --- = Radio antena o = Golf ball -=- = wire / = wall, at a much smaller gradient btw ;p & = Fill PS: This will have to be enclosed but it would look more aesthetic if u could see the balls. &&&&&&/ &&&&&/ [Balls weigh radio antena down] &&&o / &&&o [] &&&---- [Sticks to golf hole] -=-=-=-=-=- [radio antenna touches wire, activating it] Enjoy
I have been thinking about making a few switches, like maybe an open and closeable garage but I have not tried yet so ya...
Every switch can be remade on sandbox. You just need to "reinvent the wheel." With new objects it just takes new object manipulation. I guarantee I could remake any switch you wanted me to that was previously made on foundry.