i have started to put together a infection map on sandbox and need help putting a series of switches on my map. I dont reallt want any of the switches using min/max properties cuz they will go off automatically after 3 minuites and i only want the switches activated at the players choice. So could anyone offer me some ideas. Remamber they haave to be do able on sandbox!
There needed for various things. one is needed to open a door that dosent use min/max properties. one that causes a large explosion to blow away part of a wall. and anyother switches that might be useful for a zombie map.
Well a good way to learn about switches is to go to the Aesthetic map section and search for Switch. Just replace the dumpsters and crates with a block tiny(Idk if that what is called)
i have tried that and have searched all god knoes how many pages for the type of switch im looking for. I know it can be done i have found some on other maps but i cant find them.mg:
Okay, I think I may be able to help you with the door that you want to make. First, I need to know how big your door is going to be. Afterwards, I should be able to help you.
Assuming you know how to make a "button." Spoiler YouTube - Halo 3 Forge - How to make a Button If you know how to make that ^ then do this. First make your switch, but don't place a grav lift. Second, creat a fusion coil chain (lined up to a point like - - - - - -. Next, lead the fusion coils to a gap in between walls, make the walls ONLY wide enough for the coil. Then, place two column, destroyed together, blocking a doorway. Grab the custom, then BOOM. Instant doorway. If you need me to show you, invite me. GT in sig.
Well, meltyourtv basically nailed an easy way to do it. The other way involved the use of a grav lift that spawns at a specific time, not on a usable switch, per say. Put a grav lift on a damaged column, small and you'll understand where I was going, hopefully.
here you go, my map features a working door, http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=81568719. just delete stuff until you see how it works