SWIPERS I first made this in Halo 3 for Snipers warmup and for practicing headshots/no-scopes. SWAT Snipers Teams: Disabled 25 Kills to win 12min Time Limit(not sure) Armor Ability: Sprint Base Player Traits: Normal Speed One Headshot to kill 7 Body shots to kill 2 Melee hits to kill Infinite ammo No grenades Now for some pictures: Special thanks to: Some1Smarter(For giving me the idea in the first place, and beating me up enough to improve my skillz) Pyrodude19(He is the one in the pictures getting pwned) edit: 117 DLs, it is a sign!
Seems like a great idea! I feel like it creates a sense of urgency to aim for the headshot... then if someone's running at you full speed you'd get all frantic and start sniping all over the place lol. Sounds pretty epic.. nice!
Pretty much, I play it a lot with a friend, we have found it to help with pulling off critical no-scopes and headshots while under pressure.
This happens to be one of my favorite customs to play on Halo. kind of For starts, by not setting melee to 0%, you're removing the point of the game. To get headshots. Second, it shouldnt be 7 body shots. If have have damage resistance to 2000% it should be more than that (for some reason, I'm thinking 13) Those are two things that should be changed already. I haven't actually downloaded and looked at the real ruleset but I'm going to assume you dont have a forced color. In mine I make it forced yellow so people stand out. And in regards to infinite ammo, I give leader bottomless clip and everyone else standard infinite. Because the people I usually play with aren't great at sniping and play for the practice. And i just run around and be unkillable with my no-reloading. Anyway, those are just a few things to think about. You can download and look over everything I use in my gametype here.
Two pummels is enough to kill you in SWAT Matchmaking, trying to get as close as possible. SWAT Matchmaking takes 6 bodyshots, 7 is as close as I got. Also if you set Damage to 25% you get a higher count. Color isn't forced just because there is no need, you can practice with any color imo. Bottomless clip for leader makes the game more unbalanced, plus I play versus some1better than myself. Thanks for the feedback dude, I appreciate it, but I was going after Matchmaking SWAT but with Snipers. My Halo 3 version actually had 25% Damage and 2000% Health and I had mine before the Bungie Fav . Thanks! Any suggestions?