After watching the video about swimming with the ballistic knife, and finding some really try-hardy kids in Search, just after Black Theorem blew them out of the water (13 & 2, was it?) I pulled off the most ridiculous thing ever. in the history of the internet. Ever. Backstory After one round of Search and Destroy, we were down 1-0, but that didn't stop us! Everybody died, and I was the last one left; to defend against the onslaught of try-hards, when mister Sneak-n'-Spay* came up around the bend in my base. Little did he know, that I am possibly the luckiest Bastard in the world. * Sneak-n'-Spray may or may not have been this fine individual's Gamertag. Swimming with the fishes - YouTube
It's not really a glitch; it's the same principle as playing with your self on Halo by looking down and mashing "Y" really fast, I just shot the ballistic knife when I seen him coming.