Sweet Emotion

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by footballfan757, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. footballfan757

    footballfan757 Ancient
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    Inside part of the map overview!


    This map is a race map built on forgeworld. It's made for 1-12 people racing against each other for a huge amount of FUN! With out further-ado here is the map.






    In Case you missed the download link.
    #1 footballfan757, Sep 26, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2010
  2. footballfan757

    footballfan757 Ancient
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    Why Thank you. Too. Bad I am not liking the coordinates system right now :(

    For the name I just went to google and searched names. and it came up so thats what I called it
  3. Irc WindDragon

    Irc WindDragon Ancient
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    So this is the map you were talking about on Thursday. Looks like a roller coaster. :p

    The map itself is pretty good. Not too many aesthetic pieces on the map while driving about, but I guess you wouldn't pay too much attention to them during a race anyways.

    There were a few bumps here and there, but they don't really subtract to how smooth the raceway is. The man cannons that are to help you get up the island hill aren't exactly placed at comfortable angles. When going over them, I noticed you're lifted into the air at a reasonable height which could knock you off the raceway if another player hits you. Also, at the very end the raceway is angled awkwardly. I say this because if you're going too fast, you do a small jump and the back wheels of your mongoose will hit the slanted [4x4 flat] block, causing you to tumble and most likely flip.

    Other than that, it's a solid map.

    Off-topic: Who are you pugging with on WoW? I can't raid my normal raiding times due to class, so I was thinking I'd hit up the pugs your in and show people how to play. ^.^
    #3 Irc WindDragon, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2010
  4. admor2

    admor2 Forerunner

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    Very Nice

    I downlaoded you Map about an hour ago and me and my mates love it its awesome very smooth and never a momment thinking damn that bits not straight or any area where it get frustrating thanks for Uploading :)
  5. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
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    Nice job on this epic roller coaster track :)! My only concern is the check points don't work properly and have you fall next to the track, I tend to fall of the ramp section because its a bit thin. If I may suggest it, try making a few checkpoints and widen the track significantly for them so people who do fall can still enjoy the track.
  6. footballfan757

    footballfan757 Ancient
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    Thank you Irc for the review. But onto the Man Cannons I kept testing them and testing them Not once Did I ever fall off. That may just be me but thanks for telling me that. I will look into it to see if I can fix it to make it for "Comfortable"

    Why thank you for that! I take pride In this map and I think it turned out good for my first Reach map and hope to only improve on what you guys are telling me. THANKS! :)

    Ya That happened to me in testing. I could not figure out how to fix it. But what you can do so you spawn on the track. Just move you Right Joy stick and move it so you are facing in the right direction you where going so the camera looks like it is actually on the track It took me a while to figure that out but everytime you do that you spawn on the actual map. THANKS ALSO!
  7. Irc WindDragon

    Irc WindDragon Ancient
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    I ran through the track a few times when I downloaded it. The problem isn't falling off (or could be if you play with multiple people) but being launched into the air enough that could cause you to lose control of your mongoose.
  8. footballfan757

    footballfan757 Ancient
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    Right now I am on the map and I tryed it 10 timess almost fell off once. I am going to try and get a group together later and try it out to see if amount of people will affect it
  9. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    This was a fun map, dude. One of the checkpoints (the one after the mancannon hill) spawned me off the track, so I had to end the game. The mancannons are a little sketchy, too.

    Other then that this is a really fun race track. Make more! :)

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