
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Mista Skittles, Jan 21, 2008.

  1. Mista Skittles

    Mista Skittles Ancient
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    Map: Sweep
    Gametype: king of the hill
    Author: DynamicDonald
    Link to Map: Sweep
    Link to Game Variant: Grab bag

    You gotta play this map to beleive it!
    Please comment to keep this ingenious map alive, by the way sorry if this isnt descriptive enough, its my first time posting a map on ForgeHub.

    (Note: this map is built on foundry, for those of you who dont have the heroic map pack, that really sucks) This is a map that took forever to make(mostly from ending and restarting the game) and probably is the most hilarious, fun, and ingenious maps I have ever played on and its probably the map I'm most proud of and heres why: The map is basically a very very large amount of movable heavy objects launching off of mancannons then rolling across a big enclosed corridor towards you(I know it sounds simple but I havent seen a map that was ever posted that was like this).

    There are three waves of objects that eventually are mixed together later on in the game:

    1st wave: consists of all of the dumpsters, trucks, and some of the other stuff (like short barriers and crates.

    2nd wave: consists of only short barriers (these things are unpredictable in how high they go).

    3rd wave: consists mostly of crates. Has some short barriers in it too.

    The gametype for this map is king of the hill because if people want to win the game, then theyll have to walk into the flow of objects! The reason why I chose king of the hill is because you have to stay in the hill, fight opponents, and dodge all of the objects being hurled in your direction. As for the rest of the details on the game variant, you spawn with random weapons and after you spawn you are invincible for 3 seconds.

    The hill starts out in the back and its less likely that you can get hit by something, then when the hill moves closer to the manncannons, thats when bodies start to fly!

    Here are some screenshots of the action:


    A typical king of the hill...




    This is what becomes of those who...umm...get hit by an enormous heavy object?:


    Oh my freaking god!, My leg!




    So dang lucky!!!

    Thats pretty much all of the information that I have on the map and game variant.

    Acknowledgements: COBpigeonhuntr for the idea.

    Bungie for the game

    Forge Hub for the awesome way to post maps

    Well, Ill be making more maps and I still have some more to post, if anyone wants my GT, its DynamicDonald.

    Map title edited by Furious. Please read out posting guidelines.
  2. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    This looks really fun but I would be afraid of spawn killing, I hope you have that resolved. Other than that this looks like a really fun map. Good job.
  3. Mista Skittles

    Mista Skittles Ancient
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    Thanks, man and heres the solution to that:

    Spawn killing isnt that likely because you spawn in fenceboxes outside of the flow of objects(sorry for not clearing that up in the description).
  4. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    What is it about getting smashed by a 2 ton dumpster that never stops being hilarious? I don't know.

    Yeah I played your sick little game... and I feel sorry for whoever has to pick up the bits and pieces after it's all over.

    Anyway nice job.
  5. Mista Skittles

    Mista Skittles Ancient
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    Yeah, the original idea for this map was on sandtrap. Me and COBpigeonhuntr got this idea and tested it out. It turned out that it was too dang sketchy to do because the drop pods were heavy and they could kill you, but some of them were always stopping before they reached the bottom of the hill then they always blocked the other stuff like crates and radio antennas. We ended up giving up on the map. Eventually I sort of forgot about the concept then when foundry came into place, I tryed building the map again, and now it works beautifully.
  6. Mista Skittles

    Mista Skittles Ancient
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    My bad guys I didnt know there was a map similar to mine. although I had the maps concept before foundry even came out, it appears that i didnt post it fast enough. The map, "crate frenzy" is only similar because its an infection map, and it is definitely on a smaller scale. I just noticed that I really should of named this map something else other than "sweep" because it obviously doesnt catch that many peoples attention enough to comment on it.
  7. marquis madness

    marquis madness Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice job,
    love the pics!
    spawn killing is a little cheap though...
  8. iversonrocks03

    iversonrocks03 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    1. Dont double post
    2. NIce map
    3. This map is really fun
    4. spawn killing is not an issue.
    5. getting hit with giant dumpsters really doesnt stop being funny, as meantioned before!


    im done here
  9. goldman 010

    goldman 010 Ancient

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    i like to get hit by the truck

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