Does anyone know when this will be back i read what luke said on how they have the best people working on it, but i didn't see anything wrong with it in the first place, if you have any news please post Thanks
Have ya been to recently. Unless it is some dumb excuse for taking down SWAT when it was going to be taken down anyway, it's something different. I asked this on the forums and it sounds like no one, other than Bungie, knows what happened.
My guess is that it'll be available to play again this upcoming weekend. Hopefully, because I didn't get a chance to play it... :squirrel_sad:
Halo 3 SWAT isn't so great anyway... First off, the BR spread removes any element of skill, second, there's no lockout, and third, theres too much lag.
I never had any problems with any of those. Even with the BR spread, those who were better, won. I saw no instance where the game was random. SWAT is SWAT no matter the map. Personal preference I guess. I didn't notice any lag at all. Whatever, everyone is entitled to their opinions.