Hey lately ive been losing alot of SWAT games and losing my rank due to bad teammates... I just want 1 or 2 people to not always, but once every day or 2 to play SWAT with me, although i would like it if you plan on playing with me that you are good and wont have to be lead by your team... unless your just having a bad game, anyways please reply.
Sure, I'll do it, I never have anyone who want's to play SWAT and I have the same problem. What's your rank? I'm 19. Send me a friend request, GT: SmokinWaffle
Thank god, I've been needing a SWAT team, my rank was 25 not that long ago but now whenever I go into swat along I got stuck with crap teams and have gone down to 22 because of it, the other day I went down 2 skill after losing 4 matches simply because I was stuck with bed teams #(I had about 20-30 kills and they had about 4 or 5 each), anyway if you want to play with me sometime or anything just contact me on here or on live my GT is IndigoBeef
i need a good team, my rank is 6, but as soon as i get close to going up (i would be pretty high otherwise) i get a crap team then go back to 5. then, i get close to going up to 7 again... this would be very helpful -.-
Im a 17 in SWAT. Really easy for me i'd play if I have teammates. Im a 41, You can 1v1 me anytime add me at InfernoMADNESS