Starting weapons are Magnums. NEW, interlocked, better loking version of this map is being uploaded right now. Just let me get the pics.
Oh, yeah, I thought about that again, and I realized, that the game doesn't have a time limit, so they would have to stay inside the bases forever, even then, the game wouldn't end until the score limit was reached.
Try not to double post. Doesn't LOOK the greatest, but that doesn't mean it can't be fun to play on. Well done and Good luck for the next version.
so which 90% is interlocked? sorry i don't see a whole lot of it, and considering that interlocking is kind of a standard-of-trade kind of deal it's not worth mentioning in the title. but overall its a pretty nice map. swat carbines is always fun. nice implementation of shield doors. its a nice arena-ish swat map. 7/10