hey guys a few weeks ago i had a thread asking for advice in Halo 3 where a few of you reviewed my gameplay and helped me out so far i have improved alot thanks to you guys and this time i'd like help in swat ive posted all 4 of my recent SWAT games and would like you guys to tell me how to improve again thanks alot links to games on my fileshare: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Share links to individual files: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=117187352 ghost town http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=117187369 heretic http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=117190983 boundless http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=117187388 heretic game 2 http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=117296002 guardian *new --- --- Hey Guys, any help would be appreciated, just takes a few minutes of your time to watch a video and give me some feedback and help me improve share the love. ALSO i'd like to take this opportunity to ask anyone if i can join in their swat games because im tired of going insanely positive and still losing due to my team mates getting 1 kill then quitting out after 10 deaths leaving me to fend for myself, and as u can see by the link under this paragraph i can still hold my own in a 1 v 4 situation but obviously the numbers game got the better of me: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStatsHalo3.aspx?gameid=1749497833&player=Achilles HD
I'll try to play with you. I'm a 30 I believe, but I haven't played in forever. Although SWAT is one of the few gametypes where it pays of to have fewer people. Hide somewhere, wait for someone to come and kill them. Back in my earlier SWAT days I played a 4 V 1 game and still managed to win. Granted, I was a level 14 and playing with people at that level. My GT is Plasma Blades. I probably won't look at the videos though since I have no space left.
1. if an enemy has his back to you don't just start shooting him randomly. either line up a heashot or go for a melee kill. the first shot that hit's him will give him a reason to turn around and kill you. dont give him that chance. 2. when you are walking around always be prepared for them to come around the corner. AKA. always have your crosshair at head level where ever you are looking. (in the videos you always walked around with your crosshair on the floor) 3. when you are going around a corner always jump so that people aiming head level will end up shooting your feet. 4. try to find out if the enemy team does tip 2 or 3. if they are a 2 then you need to be a 3. if they are a 3 and jump around every corner then you should still be a 3 but should be ready to aim a little higher so you can get them if they decide to jump to. 5.scope in when neccesary. (there were times in the videos that scoping in would have helped you land a headshot faster. 6. if you witness an enemy spawn somewhere then aim their a little longer because sometimes their teamate will spawn their right after them. 7. Use callout's to help your team out. (i dont know if you were in those videos or not). 8. Take note of the location of your teamates, the enemy's spawn is usually at the farthest place away from them. PS. what level are you in swat? i would guess in those video's about a 24.