UPDATED VERSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is a map i made its meant for 2v2 3v3.... ect. if u felt like i sent it up for three teams can play yes i know the whole point of SWAT is cover and blah blah ya i know i thought of it and i thought it would be funner to be open up a little there a 2 carbines in each base took off the turret that is in the picture and replaced it with a battle riffle and i took the tubes off since the picture if u want u can change it to slayer with unSWAT like weapons well here are some pictures overview of map center piece carbine battle riffles gravlift red base bluebase 3rd team base download SWAcrypT http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=75344337
Looks good for SWAT, I can see enough cover for tactical and open enough for killing over long distances. Um if you touch the killball will it kill you ? anyway good map but try and make more ground cover, a few grenades will do alot of damage. 4/5
The post is very sloppy, but the map looks good as far as I can tell. It needs to be rid of the turrets, and maybe some more carbines, but other than that it looks nice. I like how you opened it up for SWAT, but are you sure that won't just force people to camp in the bases? I like the center structure =p
Spawn killing could be a HUGE problem with this map. This map really isn't suitable for SWAT. I don't know how it would play with normal gametypes, but SWAT won't play well. There's not enough cover and there's not enough map geometry. Sorry. Also, why is there a turret in a SWAT map? lol.
Looks really good for swat, i see alot of cover. but the only problem is swat maps dont have any turrets in them
no the kill ball will not kill it was a accidentally discovery i made a long time ago if u go i a room totally closed of and but a kill ball on top u wont die and will be inside the kill ball
ya i was originally going to make it a slayer map but then i learned how fun SWAT is and converted it and forgot to take off the turret ... lol
Dude, don't double post. I DLed, and found that there really isn't nearly enough cover for a real game of SWAT. You end up getting spawn killed for the most part, and it really ruins the fun and flow of the map
looks good but would prob want the spawm area to be covered so there can be no spawn kills other than that 3.5/5 DL now!