"Suspension" "On this suspended structure the Forerunners researched the wastes below. 4-8 players" Suspension is a 4-8 player symmetric map. Suspension is designed for Team Slayer and Capture The Flag but supports all gametypes. map download http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=104448000 screenshots overview flag spawn base man cannon middle tunnel tunnel closeup
Cool. Another "bridge" map. Looks good for the most part, although from what the pictures show, there appear to be some unintended gaps in there. Looks good though.
For a beginner's map, this is pretty good! Sure, there's one or two spots where interlocking might have been useful, but the design certainly looks interesting. Well done! -=Moxus=-
i like the layout and it seems tht u didnt put random weapon placement everything looks well played out and just like imoxus u did hav sum oppurtunities to merge but the flow is good and i like the map
Look great for something that doesn't have any merging or interlocking (I believe). The bridge idea is good, it makes it a necessity for your team to have a good, steady push towards the enemy base. However, they can still be flanked from the mancannons, great job!
I see you dont use interlocking. I see a couple spots that might need it but are fine. In the middle, there are alittle too much pillars. grenades bouncing off everywhere knocking off players. It looks pretty good though.
The layout looks really cool, the look could greatly benefit from ghost merging but it looks fine like this. My only suggestion would be to add some gold objects, the map looks a bit bland. Good job overall though.
alright mr duck face, i see that you dont like plain stone because it bores you. in my book thats racism, you cant just put two different races in the same room with eachother or else they might clash. my opinion on this map woulod be if you wanted to add more color, make a gold structure over the middle(not touching anything) they the man conons shoot you too. that is all
Very, very nice for a (assumed) first map! The middle has some complex routes with an excellent application of cover, and the bases look pretty well adjusted too. However, it would have been nice to see a little more variety in terms of weapons. Maybe a needler would have been cool given the linear nature of the map? That said, existing weapon placement is nice, especially with the plasma grenades at the end of the tunnel. I have to say, the layout of this map has inspired me to make some big changes on my latest map for the v2, and for that congratulations are in order!