This is my infection map of survival, you have to fight waves of zombies, as the surrounding map changes to increase difficulty. The map is a symmetrical map with a bunker in the middle with zombie spawns on both sides of the map. First the map is empty with low zombie cover. Second the map gains cover near the zombie spawn, then every 20 seconds the map slowly closes you in, the a grid divides up the survivors. The weapons on the map are 2 needler rifles, 2 DMRs, and 2 turrets. The humans spawn with AR rifles. The zombies are fast and there are 3 in the begging. Have fun and enjoy. Bunker Zombie spawns First wave cover Second wave cover Third wave cover Finally, a grid divides the remaining survivors, and a custom power-up gives the zombies 1.5x shields and 1000% health. Thanks and have fun.