Survival Mode( Long Awaited Custom Infection Variant) Video & Pics Included

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Plasmy, May 17, 2009.

  1. Plasmy

    Plasmy Ancient
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    Plasmaterial here.

    Upon joining ForgeHub I have noticed that someone made a L4D survival remake thread. Requesting that somebody designs a gametype for it. I have done that. Using the crypt I have created a level based off of an abondoned cabin house. It plays much like survival mode and I am sure that you will have a blast playing this for a custom variant!

    EDIT: Thanks for the Idea Debayter. I will surely work on adding more boss infected. You did have a very great point on that! Bosses being added: Smoker, Boomer, and the Tank. Tank will appear every 3 minutes. Smokers and Boomers will have the normal infected color. I wish they added more than one custom powerup

    Watch Video here



    It was Mid-April. I was bored and just got done playing L4D's survival mode. Then it hit me, why not remake the Survival Mode using Halo 3's forge? So I did that excact thing. I started building the cabins walls. It was really supposted to be a big room like **** Zombies, but I decided to add rooms. It looks much like a cabin and gives the feel of an actual zombie attack. When you play it you feel like your not playing a custom game, but much a whole new Type of game that Bungie implemented. The rush of the game is nothing to forget

    The humans will spawn away from the Cabin. It will still be normal lighting and the humans will have a minute to set up. When you enter the cabin there will be weapons galore! Fusion Coils are spread around the map for one reason. They are a replacement of the Gas cans and Propane Tanks of L4D. Move them to where you want them. Shoot them when many zombies are scattered around it, ensuring the quick kills earning you more survival time! There will be 4 trip mines. Place them where you like, be warned though. They do not respawn so use them wisely! Make sure you and your 3 fellow survivors communicate. NEVER split up and always watch each others back. A simple miscalculation can lead to a hunter being behind your team. You do not have unlimited ammunition. If you want to survive long make sure you are in a spot to where you have a good camping spot and at the same time a good amount of ammunition around you. Or else you will have to make ammo trips which usually winds up your team being destroyed.

    Walking the night is the infected. Ready to rip apart any survivor that gets in there way. Here is how to overun the survivors. When the game starts you have a minute to prepare. You are in the sky bubble waiting for a bridge that will take you to the unleashing floor. That is where the teles are to take you down. There are 3 custom powerups. Giving you the power of the hunter. The hunter is quick, partially camoed, has more health, and can do more damage. As a hunter, use your head. You do not want to die from a shotgun blast to the face quickly. If the survivors decide to set up outside. Make sure you find a high spot to pounce from. Try and hit them from behind to score a quick assasination. As the normal infected, don't just rush in there one by one like mindless idiots. Talk about choking points and where you should hit the survivors from. Rush in as a horde though, you can over power the survivors one by one. The survivors have alot of health. So it takes 10-20 swings to kill one human. But the game is meant to last for around 4-7 minutes. The survivors health cannot be recharged though, so you are good there. Cut them off from ammunition supply to ensure that they run out of ammo.

    Game Set-up
    Like I said before. Humans use that extra minute wisely. After 45 seconds have gone by, it will get darker and lights will turn on, warning the humans of the horde's approach. TeamWork is the key to both factions. There is only one map available for this game right now. That is Cabin Fever. Don't worry, future DLC is being designed and built right now. Ranging from new levels to new boss infected! Be on the lookout here, my YouTube channel, and my blog posts here on ForgeHub. Survival!, is not released yet. If you would like to possibly test, please message me here or over live. My GT is KSI Dirty MaG.

    MORE content will be posted later on

    Enjoy the PICS!







    OverView of the Cabin, no roof
    #1 Plasmy, May 17, 2009
    Last edited: May 17, 2009
  2. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Wait, so you only made a hunter? I hate to burst your bubble, but unless you come up with something else for regular infected, the map isn't going to get as much attention as you think. Before posting this map, I would work on adding some additional zombie classes, i.e. Smokers, Bommers, and the Tank.

    Radar Jammer, Long Range Weapon (Most likely Carbine, Beam Rifle, or Sentinel Beam(

    Flare, Shotgun/Mauler or Plasma Greandes (only one of them, not all three)

    Custom Powerup/Overshield, Gravity Hammer
  3. Plasmy

    Plasmy Ancient
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    You do have a point, so infected CAN pick up equipment? If so I will really add more boss infected.

    EDIT: It's not really just a map. More of a new game. Cabin Fever is just the first level that was made. But thank you anyways for the boss infected idea, I will surely credit you in that department.
    #3 Plasmy, May 17, 2009
    Last edited: May 17, 2009
  4. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    No, see what you need to do is edit the respawn traits. You should have it where the first 5 or 10 seconds after a person respawns, they get weapon pickup. That way, zombies can pick up weapons right when they spawn, but can't take the humans' weapons when they get to them. Also, have different spawn rooms for each zombie class, and spread out the spawn points throughout the rooms so that zombies have a greater chance of spawning in some rooms more than others. Also, make sure than one of those rooms doesn't give them anything. Then from these rooms, have teleporters leading to the actual level with the humans.
    #4 Master Debayter, May 17, 2009
    Last edited: May 17, 2009
  5. Plasmy

    Plasmy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good Point. Thank you man, I have also added my own type of infected. Called the shielder. It throws down a shield if the infected need it. I forgot all about spawn traits. Man, you really helped me lol

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