Survival #1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by decoyb14, Aug 21, 2009.

  1. decoyb14

    decoyb14 Ancient
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    Ok this is my first post and i ent like others i dont want to hang out with your comments watever you gotta say about this map say it because i aim to improve gameplay and quality of this map before i post the second in the series so here it is...
    STORYLINE: ok so after the blood virus breaks out in the city the army retreat to a small town on the water front. They set up barricades and other usefull dedfences to stop the floods of survivours helping the thriving virus to dominate this method of control soon is used against the army as when the strand of the blood virus is found inside of a dead soldier and as the virus spreads and once again thrives the immunes move to the othere side of the bridge a
    nd blow it to smitherenes.
    "we're safe now, arn't we?"

    ·#·$#8080FFт·$#C0C0C0нαт Dεcσч ·$#8080FFкιd·$#400080·$#000000™

    The blown bridge with zombie spawns on right...

    Human spawn on opposite side of bridge...

    To get past the barricade head to the basment of the shop and through the tunnel...

    Overveiw of zombie/human spawn...

    Hole above tunnel to the street...

    Cottage with shotgun and roof access...

    Apartment block with crashed hornet and sniper spawn...

    Overveiw of main street..

    Rescue boat arrives for evac after 3 minutes( roof removed for veiwing)...

    Overveiw of boat and broken peir...

    Overveiw of whole map...

    Well there it is v2.0 is already in progress the download link for map and game variant will be updated soon i am unable post now as on holiday sorry if i missed anything and anyone who can help me to sort out any problems with this thread thanks... ill finish the thread with some action shots of me owning
    #1 decoyb14, Aug 21, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2009
  2. supa gems

    supa gems Ancient
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    good forging and aesthetics and gameplay, looks very good il have to download. One thing that appears could be problematic is how if humans can get setup, they can camp the tunnel from a safe distance on a roof or something and if theres enough people it could ruin the zombie's experience. idk havent tested, il play it and get back to u.
  3. Jo351

    Jo351 Ancient
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    The map looks like it will be a great infection map to play with my friends, simple but it works. Is there any trouble for the zombies to make the jump or do you have a custom gametype to fix this? I'll make sure to DL once you can get a link up. Nice job on aesthetics with small details like the destroyed bridge and the crashed vehicles. I like the idea of the boat arriving at 3 min. How long is the time limit or is there one?
    #3 Jo351, Aug 21, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2009
  4. decoyb14

    decoyb14 Ancient
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    i dont know how i need help besides if it means using an xbox that will be impossible for 2 weeks as im on holiday

    humans have to use the tunnel as they cant jump the barricade however zombies can use team work to jump over or even take there time and push a warthog against the shop to climb over also to reduce camping at the starty of the level the infected have respawn traits that make them invulnerable for 5 seconds allowing them time to jump the bridge before being harmed
    #4 decoyb14, Aug 21, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2009
  5. O Blarg 0

    O Blarg 0 Ancient
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    To add a download link, the map and gametype have to be on your fileshare. Then go to your service record on Then click on your fileshare, then your map and gametype. Then copy and paste the url. As for the map, it looks great, but a little small. You might want to add more bridges for the zombies to attack from and more hiding spots for humans. The boat looks like it could use some work though. More spawn points would be good too, beacuse I only saw 5. Can't wait for the v2.
  6. decoyb14

    decoyb14 Ancient
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    thanks for the comment

    the map is a small map as i wanted the idea of the humans cant run far from the zombies and therfore have to stand their ground there are also many hiding spots however you need to pay close attention to find them also their are enough spawns its just i forgot to set gametype to infection for the pics and finnally i cant do much more as i can place any more items but the boat has a bedroom with bunkbeds and shotgun a drivers window and desk and the cargo bay is fully accesable below
  7. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    when i saw the first pic, i thought it was gonna be ****, and i thought that was testament to your forging skills, however, the other pictures show that you may be on your way to becoming a master forger! the cottage, crashed pelican etc. look awesome IMO but again the tunnel(?) looks a little sloppy. Also which gametype is this for? normal infection or have you made your own gametype?

    also, your spelling and grammar (although this is irrelevant to your map) seems poor. it just makes it feel like your not putting in any effort, you know?

    a list of weapons would be nice, and you need to get the download links on your fileshare. but if your on holiday, this thread mite get frozen... sorry

    final point. when the boat spawns (which i also like) is the point of this to give access to that little floating bit? or just add more play area?

    also (sorry) i would recommend taking screenshots in custom games not forge as the grid lines really get on peoples nerves.

  8. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    this reminds me of a few of my recently posted maps. But i like it the first pic does looks a little sloppy but the rest of the maps looks great the crashed hornet looks great as does the house with the broken roof and the boat. i think the tunnels are a good touch to the map and the overall asthetics are great. i would like to dl but seeing as there is no dl link i cant 5/5 for asthetics
  9. Fruitbat7

    Fruitbat7 Ancient
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    at first my expectations of this map were not terribly high, but after looking at the whole post i am pretty impressed. your forging skills looks good and the gameplay looks fun as well. you should try to make a bigger version two and maybe delete a few of those warthogs so you have a higher budget
  10. lightsin017

    lightsin017 Ancient
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    Nice Map But the idea of the beginning was from "Town on the bay" but ethier way of that u did a good job with the rest of the map so ill download it and ill give u feed back from once i play this with friends i rate it 5/5
  11. decoyb14

    decoyb14 Ancient
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    before anyone else says ive copyed town on the bay then think again as i started this map way before that map was posted on forge hub im sorry if it seems similar but theres only so much you can do that doesnt resemble other peoples maps.. anyone who doubts this then ask Krazy conk 14 as he was with me when i started this map roughly about 2 months ago.
  12. a dying animal

    a dying animal Ancient
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    You have not talked about the map layout or gametype in your thread also you have not included links to the map so we can download it. Last of all i take it you can't drive vehicles because that hornets will just be annoying.
  13. gamepro213

    gamepro213 Ancient
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    #13 gamepro213, Aug 25, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2009

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