Supremacy Map made by APOLLO609 Download Map Description: The map focuses on the idea of an open shooting house. The map is fitted to support every gametype. Having a way to shoot into the base is dangerous, but fun. Knowing you can always die is a weird sensation. Because of the abundant weapons and viechles captureing and holding this death trap is a challenge. The gametypes that involve places to capture or places to go, rotate from floor to floor. This concept keeps the players always moving throughout the base. For gametypes such as CTF, the flag is located inside. The players must grab the flag and escape the the scoring tunnel (a large tunnel that goes into the air in wich players run up to secure the objective).There are two main spawns. The Cliff Spawn and the Gate spawn. Theres also many neutral spawns around the map. This allows players to arrive at the base at the same time as their opponents. This always keeps players fighting. Cliff Spawn Gate Spawn Objective Tunnel Left Side of Base Right Side of Base The Roof
That looks like an interesting structure you have there... but please for God's sake, never use screenshots from forge. No one likes to see the respawn points, just snap a few still shots from a game or get a few action poses, just not anything from forge. Your post is otherwise perfectly fine, and I'm happy to see this is on Standoff, kudos!