I thought of this map awhile ago, but finally made it. It supports all default game types except invasion and race. This was my first map that actually supports all game types. All the people start down below the map and have the option of going up the lift to either the first or second floor. The lift is in the very center of the map. This maps the very beginning of the game very competitive because everyone is right next to each other. The players then have the normal response around the map and in their appropriate base. Weapons: -DMR (2) -Needle Rifle (2) -Rocket launcher (1) -Shotgun (1) Watch the map preview! YouTube - Halo Reach Supported‏
This is such a sick idea! It really takes the strategical initial spawn placement to a different level. You have a great start but I feel the top needs a bit of work... Might I suggest more cover or some form of blocking line of sight on the outer ring? It seems pretty bland up there and I feel it would be a question of who gets there first rather than using any strategy up there.
This map needs some work on the cover portion of the map like Legacy of Mercy said. That can really be a killjoy to your maps if you don't add cover. I really like the initial spawn idea though. It is very creative and I haven't seen anybody really use it to that extent. Just work on that cover problem and then everything will be good for this map.
good imagination. i like the plot and the elevator. but it need more added onto it. it is waay too small. the Asthetics are nice. map rating: 7/10