My first Halo:Reach map, tried to cover all gametypes (had to leave a couple out), any feedback much welcome. DMR x 12 Assault Rifles x 8 Magnum Pistol x 2 Sniper Rifle x 1 ( 0 x spare clips-30 sec rspawn) Shotgun x 1 (1 x Sc-30 sec Rs) Rocket Launcher x 1 ( 1 x Sc - 120 sec Rs) Frag Grenades x 24 Plasma Grenades x 16 Needle Rifle x 1 Needler x 1 Plasma Rifle x 1 Plasma Pistol x 1 2 x Mongoose
Very nice idea putting it in the quarry even though you made your own ground. It creates a sense of enclosure and i guess just makes it feel different than any other map that's placed over the middle of the ocean. I'm liking all the supplies boxes on the giant supply pad/field. Overall, looks pretty well balanced. Seems like a fun, creative map!