Dear Forge Hub, I am making a super top secret map. However, I need some help. On part of the map there are three 5 min switch doors. I've figured out how to make it work but you can set it off by throwing a nade. I have tried using shield doors but it does not help. Any ideas. Also, If your idea is good enough I will inv you to help me out. : )
Is it a puzzle map? If so, and grenades aren't necessary, you could just disable 'nades in the gametype...
Like what is it a Puzzle Infection Slayer, etc post More before we Ask cause its Kinda hard to Help you EDIT: Ohh ok then Um Maybe use something Other then Nades
its hard to help if we cant see what the mechanism looks like. delete the stuff around it and take screenies possibly?
OK will do. Give me like 30 min --- Thanks for all the help. I figured it out. : ) It was the way the switch was designed. Now it works just as well but you can't set it off with a nade. Also, it is now a 6min door.