Ok this was during a BTB CTF on last resort. I was using my BR and saw this guy running down some stairs. i took 3 br shots to his head then threw a frag at him. The kill was completed but just before he died i got a picture of him with the grenade lighting the backround. also if you like it alot download it. picture: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
The screenshot isn't working .. You have to host the image at ImageShack® - Image Hosting or another site .. But i looked on bungie and pretty good screenshot .. Good job! =]
Next time embedd it or watever Anyways Great shot for a NUb! not that im calling you one... Anyways Keep up the Noob Work! EDIT: Ugh imageshak isnt doing what i tell it to do.......... WHy dont you try and do it?