Super Mario Jumps 3 - *And the Super Mario Series

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by the360assasan, Aug 16, 2009.

  1. the360assasan

    the360assasan Ancient
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    The Super Mario Series

    By: Fad3 Out


    It all started at the dawn of the Mythic Map Pack. My friend, a novice jumper, had not yet acquired such maps. He then asked me to build him a map, A jumping map. He thought he could conquer any jump. Any map. I laughed to myself, "He is not going to get off so easy."

    I started construction on a map. Simple at first, standard jumps. I, myself was a novice to jumping and puzzle maps. Then I started to get creative. (and mean, very cruel) And I am sorry for what I have wrought upon this world. A series of impossibly difficult courses. Over One thousand have tried, none succeeded. So i have com to you, Forge Hub, In search of your greatest jumpers, and greatest minds to solve challenges.

    After my success at difficulty, on SMJ 1 I started construction on SMJ 2. This one became the ultimate experience not just difficult puzzles but its path is hidden and unclear and requires trial and error. Upon completion I found that this course was significantly more difficult. The farthest anyone has gotten is 1/3 of the way through.

    Days and weeks passed. This is the time I used to Create Jumping of Two a CO-OP Obstacle Puzzle course which is posted here on Forge Hub. Then, after having my internet go out I forged all day and night. None of My map Ideas was working. Then it hit me. I should, for unknown reasons, take the previous series and just take it one difficulty level higher. As hard as this may seem, I made it happen. Some quite intricate puzzles, mazes, jumps, and obstacles slowly led to my Ultimate map.

    Super Mario Jumps 3, I am not saying this map is fair, nor is it remotely easy. You must be and EILITE Jumper and Puzzle solver. You must have knowledge of Halo 3 Glitches and tricks and always think the unexpected. If you aren’t ready to throw your controller at the wall, do not play this map.

    Now Onto the Spoiler Free Runthrough.

    Your Spawn :)

    Puzzle 1

    Puzzle 2

    Puzzle 3-6 and Jumping Section 1

    Puzzle 7

    Jumping Section 2 Not Pictured

    Jumping section 3

    Jumping Section 4

    Puzzle 8

    Jumping Section 5

    Puzzle 10 and 11 Not pictured

    Puzzle 12

    Jumping Section 6

    Jumping Section 7

    Final Platform

    WARNING: This map is NOT EASY, it is cruel, twisted, confusing, unfair, long, suprising, and may cause suicidal thoughts. Please play wisely.


    Download: GAMETYPE REQ.
    Gametype: Mario 3
    Map: Mario Jumps 3

    Please post how far you've gotten on the map to see if you've gotten the farthest.

    The farthest player is: The360Assasan GT: Fad3 Out - at Jumping Section 3 (Get your name here)

    If you complete the course ALONE and send Fad3 Out the film you will Recieve 1 Year of Xbox Live and 4000 Ms Points.

    Its a big reward because I DOUBT anyone will beat it. ANd I have plenty of money to spend. Ha.

    Also try Super Mario Jumps 1 and 2

    If you cant beat these, you cant beat number 3.

    Mario 1 (Easiest)

    Mario 1 Video (spoilers) (and a chance at ANOTHER 1600MSP)
    YouTube - Super Mario Jumps 1 - By Fad3 Out - Contest for 1600MSP

    Mario 2 (Second Easiest)

    Every challenge has been extensively tested to dissuade cheating and making everything possible for one person to complete.
    #1 the360assasan, Aug 16, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2009
  2. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
    Senior Member

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    that's a big reward... I've never been a fan of jumping.. but I might just DL it for the prize...
  3. BTS Hardcore

    BTS Hardcore Ancient
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    Im a doing it
  4. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Well obviously it is extremely difficult, but is it possible? I hope so, you must have done the reasonable thing and tested each major jump and suceeded at it 1/100 times. That way, when you actually reached the end of the course, you would have beaten the olds 1/1000000. Sounds reasonable... I'll download and beat it on Wednesday.
  5. H3A

    H3A Ancient
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    downloaded, and is playing as a type. I'll see you to your 4000 MS points and year of live in the next 3 hours.
  6. MDIGN

    MDIGN Ancient
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    I'll try...... and I'll win =)
    (so be ready to give up that year and those points.)
  7. xxcheeseheadxx

    xxcheeseheadxx Ancient
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    Seriously this map is insane! i was there while he was making the map and he showed me how to do it but i cant even make the first jump. it is very well put together tho and very cool.
  8. 0 JEFF 0

    0 JEFF 0 Ancient
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    Great job and the only reason I would ever give out that big of a prize is if it was impossible lol I'll be working on it though :)
  9. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Dude, I know this map is very hard. BUT PEOPLE WILL BEAT IT. Just look at my maps, they're just as hard, but some cra-za-zy jumpamaniac beat them all. So I pity your sacrifice of 4000ms. P.S. Is there a time limit?
  10. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    ehhh, there are a lot of puzzles aswell.. I DL'd it. I was hoping to have to jump from point a to b not jump from point a to b pick up some gravlift, do a puzzle, go back to a and so on... It was very annoying and I give the winner mad props.
  11. Snipez

    Snipez Ancient
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    This map looks cool but i'm not going to download because i've broken a few controllers getting annoyed at things like this lol and this one does look hard. Sorry :D
  12. the360assasan

    the360assasan Ancient
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    You do not UNDERSTAND how hard it is. It is harder than your maps I've tried them. No Crazy Jumpamaniac will beat it because I used a crazy jumpamaniac to help test the course and it scares him.

    There is no time limit. I believe that no human could ever complete this course. So you keep trying.

    REMEMBER: Send me the Jump/Puzzle/Picture/ film of how far you've gotten and I will post it up. Also I'm curious if anyone has gotten to the first teleporter. Anyone. I want to see the film.

    You all seem to undermine the sheer difficulty of this map.
  13. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    ummm have you made it through the whole map in order to test it? Some of the parts seem set up wrong and one place looks like you have to drive a mongoose through a teleporter which you can't do.
  14. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    I see two sender nodes in the vicinity of the first main area; one of them appears to send you elsewhere in the same area, and the other appears to send you to the inside of an inescapable box. I don't see how I'm supposed to proceed.
  15. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'll give it a go, it looks hard, and I would just love to win the prize, I could use it :)

    P.S. Muskego eh?
    that's not too far from where I live.
  16. the360assasan

    the360assasan Ancient
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    Update - Added a video of the completion of Mario Jumps One

    Mario 2 and 3 will be up as soon and Someone, or myself beats them.

    Note: Some might think that the video is a "fake" runthrough because of some "lag" in the video. Please note that this video was edited and shortened to fit youtube. I cut out failures.

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