Theres two big walls on both sides of the map starting with 3 hogs on each side. If you spawn outside of it you can go threw a teleporter leading inside it. You take a hog and drive down the cliff and theres a big flat space with a lot of fusion coils on it. You can kill the other team or try to do flips. 30 seconds into the game mongooses and propane tanks spawn and you can drive those too. A minute into the game 2 ghosts will spawn on each side and also gravity lifts will spawn. And at 150 seconds a 2 choppers spawn, 1 on each side. With the choppers 8 man cannons spawn too. The Hog battle game type has random weapons and unlimited ammo. You can also take 200 % damage and for the first 5 second when you respawn you become super fast. Download Super Hog Battle Map: http:// 916 Download Super Hog Battle Gametype: http:// 959 Teleporter leading to the map. Warthog Mongoose Ghost Chopper
Welcome to forgehub. Here at forgehub we need our pics to be embedd... oh wait you did that right. Well we need a download li.. curses you did that too. Well you don't have a descript... dang you have that too. Congradulations on your first post bee 100% forgehub standards. Now down to real business. It looks like a fun minigames, simple but fun. The walls could be interlocked neatly however, as it seems money is not an issue for you. As for the starting weapon spawn, instead of randoms, I'd give them plasma pistols and swords, both usefull for highjacking. And maybe a powerdrainer as a power weapon. Overall 4/5 though. 3.5, but I round up.
I thought that with a name like Super hog battle, that it would have to be epic. I was wrong!!!!! well the chopper always wins and this isn't an original concept at all and it still is weird. OH well...
Nice, Redearth, that made me LAWL. This reminds me of bumper cars from Halo 1 which i used to play alot. Looks pretty fun. The map isn't very well made though
This sounds like my Hijackman! game with a ton of explosives thrown all over the map. Too random and chaotic for a good minigame.
I'm sorry to say that this is just was just thrown together way to quick for me to even download. There's so many of these hog battles trying to mimmick the fun we all had in Halo 2 on coag, but I don't think this one was even close. It's not interlocked/geomerged and it looks like it might have taken at most a half hour to build. Sorry I'm mean, I don't like to be Zachary9990
i agree with the first post the pictures arn't showing much they just show the driving part i would add an overview of the map