Alright, this is my newest wallpaper. I think I've figured out how to make them, so tell me what you guys think. I've added both the JPEG and the PNG because when PNGs are used as wallpapers, XP sometimes has some errors displaying icons over the picture. Anyway, the JPEG doesn't really lose any quality because it was saved once at the highest quality available. Made completely from scratch and with one photo of mine for a little bit of effect. The "3D" text was not made in CS4 or any 3D program; it only looks 3D because of some trial and error and experimentation. Res: 1440x900 File: PNG Res: 1440x900 File: JPEG Added: No text. 1440x900 PNG
That looks awesome! The flame effect coming in from the left is really effective. I love it, nice job!
Looks VERY good. I love abstract wallpapers, and this is a great one. I don't really care for the text. It's good, but I'd like to see it without any text.