Sandbox Sunset XVII

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Rannik, May 18, 2009.

  1. Rannik

    Rannik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This Map Is Pretty dam hard.... good luck and keep the swearing at minium!

    The Links are at the bottom, And Check out the picks And How you could do each section... cause I know you'll die...

    If you want to challenge yourself put lives. Alot.

    A challenging Opsticail coarse where the sky is the limits.
    With Several Diffrent Types Of Opsticails you as alone footman
    have to overcome physicail challenges. The Challenges Include
    Some Knowledge Of How halo works, Such as equipment
    jumping, Motion of jumps, tele physics and grenade jumping.
    In this coarse there are Check points so You dont always Have
    to go back to the start. As For Did I copy anything and the
    answer is yes, I copied The check point Idea From
    The Flaming ninja Opsticail coarse
    (you should check it out its good).​

    PLayers: 1-4​


    Hop Across​


    Throw a radar jammer onto the invisble barrier then pick up another one then hop on the first then eqipment jump across​


    Jump some walls, the pass the explosives​


    Grenade jump up then hop across​


    Climb up that mini tower the hop, then jump,slide, get man cannoned go over the wall land on the angle and soon as you do click A it propells you foward​


    Climb and dont slide, then jump across.....dont slide​


    Equipment jump, grab equipment in mid air then equipment jump​


    Hoppidi hop across and into teles​


    slide hop, love grenade jump.​


    First check point congrats​


    Climb Jump , angle propel and angle propel then choose.​


    Choose n' Fly​


    Climb and slide then jump, land. Hop. Grav hopping land​


    Hop some pallets land then use your clown skills on that golf ball.​


    2nd and Last checkpoint congrats and Good luck... I died 80 times before I got there.​


    Hop, Grenade jump, long jump, Precision jump jump jump. Hop over gravs then take last grav.​


    This one Is fun and You'll scream. K. Grab the bubble shield.
    Slide down (make sure your joystick is foward all the way) Deploy
    as soon as you slide, you pass throught the kill Ball (Wtf) then in
    the kill ball there ill be 2 equipments a regen and Radar jammer,
    when you slide the regen comes up first (you dont need that)
    So you have to switch right away when your in the kill ball. Slide
    throught the kill balllittle angle on the end you hit press A jump
    When its time equipment Jump land into A tele, then goes up then
    down in the air gaining momentum youp pick up flare, fall back down , then up throught the other tele and back throught , then use the
    flare to gain more air and get to the tele on top of you and to
    safety. And all that happen in 5 seconds.....Good luck.​


    Make a Bridge of mines then cross it. The make a bridge of Deployable cover.​


    Some Really ockward jumpings then....​

    Your Done. ​

  2. hyabusa1337

    hyabusa1337 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this map look pretty awesome the fusion looks really good and it looks really amazing and tough to get through ill provide more feedback once i play through it.
  3. Ix Unseen xl

    Ix Unseen xl Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map does not belong in the 'race maps' section, it needs to be moved by a mod.
  4. Winterburner

    Winterburner Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The clown ball thing was a great idea and the whole map is great. Seems yoou put some time and thought in to this.
  5. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    you have this posted in the wrong section it definetly isn't a racetrack you should get a mod to move this to the mini game section
  6. Riechers

    Riechers Ancient
    Senior Member

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    0 just took every idea like the golfball from the flaming ninja course
  7. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
    Senior Member

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    Cool looking map, but can I ask you why you posted this in the racetrack section?? This belongs in mini-game. PM any available mod and they will move it for you.
    #7 x DREAM 76 x, May 19, 2009
    Last edited: May 19, 2009
  8. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
    Senior Member

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    Moved to Mini Game section.
  9. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Definitely a great puzzle/obstacle course map. This has many aspects that will inspire my jumping/puzzle map. There are so many things that a player would take hours to figure out, and it's great.
    Thanks for a great map.
  10. Rannik

    Rannik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    To be fair I do Give Credit to them, ANd Alot of it is mine. But I admit the golf ball, teleslide, andwall climb are from it. And Also the Checkpoint because its a really good idea. But for the most part its me and wat I learned.

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