I will be hosting a map testing lobby on Sunday January 29th at 4:00 pm EST. Why so early? It's Sunday and I'm in Austria which is 6 hours ahead. I'll be running lobbies all night until 10:00 pm EST. Ground rules: Each tester gets two slots to test whatever gametypes they want. We will go in order of who signs up first, except in cases where slots are swapped ahead of time here the forums. Post a reply here and I'll add you to the list. Shoot me a FR at SecSchnitzelRet (SecretSchnitzel will not be renewed for another week). For late comers who do not make the sign up list, I will by keeping a pen and paper handy for jotting down additions to the list. Also, if you want an additional 2x playtest, you can request it so long as there are 4 other people ahead in line (or if we run out of maps). There will be a recap thread the next day. Recapping is not mandatory but it is encouraged, after all, why play each other's maps if we're not going to give feedback? I'd like to also have a round robin feedback session after each game that lasts no more than 2 minutes. Every player says one positive and one negative thing about the map played. I'll be jotting these down for the feedback thread. Schedule: 1. Schnitzel 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Schnitzel 7. 8. Reserves: 9. 10.
Holy hell, my thread returned.... On monday. WTF? Can a moderator please delete this? It was posted in the wrong section anyhow.