
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by MetaWaddleDee, Nov 28, 2010.

  1. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Welcome to Summit!

    This is a map that plays Invasion, and Invasion Slayer.
    Invasion takes place above Alaska then Into Montana then Down into the Gulch!
    However, Invasion Slayer takes place only in the Gulch.

    No one probably will ever read the description so I might as well not even bother writing one, I'll just describe each phase so people can see a run-down of how Invasion works, and I'll post Invasion slayer at the end.

    Phase One

    Phase one was modeled after boneyard's Phase 1, The defenders spawn almost on top of the capture points, but it takes a very long time to get from one point to another.

    This Bridge belongs to the Elites, Spartans have to punch a hole in the defense and move up to the next phase.

    Here is said Bridge

    This is the overview

    The Two capture points are a bit difficult to see but I made a cutaway picture so you could see them without the bridge on top.

    With the top.

    Capture point 1

    Capture point 2

    Here's a video showing How Phase 1 plays out.

    The video is important, watch it.

    Phase 2

    Phase Two is like Spires Phase 2. Its a Structure controlled by the defenders, except it takes considerable time to get from one point to another. And from spawns to a point.

    Here's the structure

    Here's a general rundown of how it works.

    Yeah yeah I know the picture is lame, but I cant make a video explaining this phase as well as I did for the first one because I'm out of render minutes!
    But trust me, It plays as well, if not better, than the first phase.

    Phase 3/Invasion

    HAHAHA! Did you think I was going to explain the Climax of the Game? Well I'm not! I'm just going to show you some pictures of the Gulch and you'll have to play it yourself to see what its like! All I CAN say is that it's like an inverted phase 3 of spire! After all, that's what I'm trying to get you to do by showing you this map right? getting you to Download and play it!

    The (100% safe) drop down

    Overview of the other side

    Red Base

    Blue Base


    • Not all Objects spawn in both Invasion, and Invasion Slayer, most unused Aesthetic objects are removed in the opposing gametype to reduce lag.
    • Most spawns are accessible by every fire team, because I did not properly build the map for balance at different spawns, and I decided to make them all accessible by everyone for safe spawning.
    • There are multiple ways to get off of the Phase 2 rock into the gulch, the best way is to drop straight into the center structure from the Landing pad.
    • Banshee and Falcon in Phase 3, not a Scorpion and Wraith.
    • The map follows the standard invasion formula, phase one has two hills, phase two has two hills, and phase three is a core.



    Invasion Slayer



    #1 MetaWaddleDee, Nov 28, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2010
  2. A RedBull Can

    A RedBull Can Ancient
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    This is probably the first map that I've played on Reach that feels like it belongs on a playlist for Invasion. All the structures look like Forerunner stuff, especially the two larger towers in phase 3. Great map and easy to follow what needs to be done. 5/5
  3. Ratman

    Ratman Ancient
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    This map post is missing something. Maybe attention. Here you have one of, (if not) the best playing Invasion maps created, and it has one post. The map is way more deserving of the communities thoughts and opinions. Not to mention how well constructed all of these structures are. And lets not forget about all of the creativity put in to this map. I can't tell you how hard Meta worked on this. Only to get one response.
    So, give it a download, it's worth it.
    And if I'm right, you're submitting this for the Forgetacular, correct?
    #3 Ratman, Nov 29, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2010
  4. Mr GUINNESS13

    Mr GUINNESS13 Forerunner

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    I'll download and check it out because it looks well made, but i don't think i'll be able to give much input, my friends aren't fond of invasion, lol.
  5. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yes, you finalized it in time for forgetacular! In all honesty, meta, I've never enjoyed invasion very much. It always felt like conquest, just the repetitive bashing of heads. But you really expanded it out, making it much more tactical. I freakin love you and your goddamn determination, fantastic job.
  6. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Easily the best custom Invasion map i've played. I love the way it plays and I love all the structures. You really put some time and effort into this. I'm glad I could offer my opinion here and there. I really hope this does some good in the Forgetacular, Meta

    Fantastic map! Well done.
  7. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Wow this map is massive... so many structures. The bridge looks cool and i like the spire, and the way it is designed expecially for invasion games. Instant dl and i will let you know how it all plays out. Great job making all this in the budget . :)
  8. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You spent way too much time on this map for it not to be good. It was very fun every time I played it and everything was very balanced at the end of it all.

    Amazing job Meta, and I wish you the BEST of luck in the Forgetacular contest... I really think you can win it.
  9. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    I finally get to 'own' this map now =D

    I thoroughly enjoyed testing this and it works out very well.
    It's balanced great and constant action keeps the defenders on their toes.

    Considering what I've seen on the Invasion spectrum as of late, I'd say you have a decent shot at the Invasion part of Forgetacular.
    Either way, best of luck to ya, and another excellent map meta.
  10. BegForMyMercy

    BegForMyMercy Forerunner

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    I Played on this map and looked around. It has good detail but it has some glitches in the ground and the 2nd objective is funny because one obj area is further away from the forward obj area after the bridge. Seems a little impossible to penetrate if there are 6 determined elites... Sorry to say but I think that part needed some fixing. I loved the Idea of dropping down for the core and also wanted to point out that you have no money left for weapons on this map you spent it all you had 3 weapons and 2 vehicles? Did you consider balancing or play testing? Your 3rd objective looks oddly like mine in Traverse which to say I'm not offended by In fact I love yours. After play testing your map I must consider that you delete a few buildings on the bottom and re-arrange your 2nd obj. Seriously walk through it.
  11. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Specifically what are the glitches on the ground? Do you mean Z-fighting?

    I specifically wanted Phase 2 to have one objective farther away because it creates a main front. The point closer to the bridge is where the fighting happens, while the farther point creates a dilemma where the elites need to move to win phase 2, But getting from point to point takes forever for the Elites, and it is very easy for Spartans to get past the rocks safely.

    I don't need any power weapons, they create a giant advantage, and if in the right hands, stop the game from moving to a new phase.

    Phase 1 should never have power weapons.
    Phase 2 I decided that none of them fit the terrain. (CQC weapons and hills don't work too well together, and the sight lines are too cramped for Snipers, and Rockets are too Dominant for a P2 PW)
    And in Phase 3 I gave both sides an anti-air if the Falcon/Banshee got too powerful and the Elites have a Focus Rifle to help defend on the ridge.

    I play-tested my map at least... 20 times, which is not easy for invasion. And my buildings in the gulch are there to greatly improve Invasion Slayer.
    #11 MetaWaddleDee, Dec 1, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2010
  12. Slamm Andrews

    Slamm Andrews Forerunner

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    This has to be one of the most inventive and well-thought-out invasion maps out there. All of Bungie's invasion maps are riddled with cruddy cover, tired routes, unnecessary details, and power weapons. Invasion slayer on hemorrhage is plagued by huge sight lines and little incentive to capture points. Summit has clean, simple, but beautiful structures and moves intelligently across Forgeworld. Bravo, sir!

    EDI also, thank you for making an interesting 3rd phase as well as promoting awesome jet pack gameplay!
  13. Antares777x

    Antares777x Forerunner
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    Ooooo one thing that I just thought of now is that you could make another map, but build it around the phase one bridge. It would be like Narrows and could be a Slayer map, that would be cool.
  14. Tenth Mountain

    Tenth Mountain Forerunner

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    I like what I see here. I'm going to have to play it (especially considering I'm attempting an Invasion map in the near future).
  15. DIEabolical

    DIEabolical Forerunner
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    wow forgehub gets spammed so much i completely missed this post. This is one of the top choices bungie has to choose from for the contest that is fo sho! I enjoyed testing this as well and have it permanently tatooed on my hard drive.
  16. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
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    Stellar Gameplay

    I am an Invasion map builder "Where Eagles Dare" and soon to be released "Pearl Harbor" so I really appreciated the work that went into your map so lets break it down. Love that you gave the Spartans jet packs in phase 1. Makes for really intense gameplay in taking out the bridge. Would have liked it better if the first phase was a bomb phase that takes out part of the bridge, also maybe a ghost at the elite phase 1 spawn that cant get across to the spartan backfield spawn once its partially destroyed. Whatever it all comes down to playability and this played great when we tried it with my customs group full 12 players. Especially liked the inverted 3rd phase invading the canyon. Great job.


  17. Dr D04K

    Dr D04K Ancient
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    if its not purely aesthetic, or aesthetically innovative, about 75% of the forge hub community doesn't care. This looks to be one of the gems from a gameplay perspective, and deserves more attention as you suggest.
  18. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Invasion is a new form of Halo gameplay to emerge in Halo: Reach. It entails the classic struggle of augmented super-humans versus zealous, vicious aliens and, when done right, can be an absolute blast to play. Metawaddledee’s Invasion debut pits humans on the attacking side on a map which the author has called an inverse form of Spire which is a rather fitting name considering the way Summit plays out.

    Humans start by attacking a bridge in phase I. Modeled after the first phase on Boneyard, the bridge siege is very heavily affected by how well the defending team plays. The defenders spawn almost on top of the capture points’ making it very difficult for the attackers to take sometimes, but this does not mean the bridge is impossible to take. Seldom do Invasion games start players in the first phase with a jet pack, but here it was done with a purpose. Instead of only being able to attack the bridge head on, the attackers are allotted another vantage point via jet packing off the side of a cliff to get to the bridge easier. The only downfall to this is that anyone caught flying is bound to be shot down unless their adversaries are already occupied.

    Phase II can be described in almost one word: Chaotic. The defenders have to capture a U- shaped structure to gain access to the core. Spartans spawn on the bridge and Elites spawn on the other side of the structure and thanks to the proximity of these spawn phase II has no peace time and as such the humans spend most of their time trying to survive instead of capturing the plate. The Elite spawn being moved to the other side of the structure could have alleviated that issue. Also, considering where humans spawn and the shape of the structure, the far side capture point hardly ever gets touched and most fighting is centered on trying to attain the closest point. Phase II is heavily sided with the Elites in most circumstances which can be rather annoying at times.

    If the humans manage to make it past phase II then they must descend into the canyon of Forge World to capture the core. Summit takes a dramatic change of pace here: It switches from fast-paced mid-range combat to long range and aerial combat. Depending on how the players perform, phase III is usually pretty quiet and sometimes a little dull. Unless the Elites are on top of the game, humans can sneak down into the core structure and have the core halfway to the capture point before they know what hit them. This is very different from the first two phases where the humans must struggle to even touch the capture points. On another note, the canyon section of the map is where Invasion Slayer is played. The multitudes of structures down there pave way for some very interesting vehicular combat. Most Invasion map, even default ones, do not play Invasion Slayer particularly well because they are designed for a one-sided gametype and those maps play symmetrical gametypes in the same light; unbalanced. Metawaddledee has conquered this problem by essentially creating a map within a map. When playing Invasion Slayer, players do not have to focus on the bridge or the U-shaped structure, just the phase III playing field that is set up symmetrically and is one of the few Invasion oriented maps that plays Invasion Slayer well.



    Both phase I and II of Summit of a couple minor balancing issues. Phase I plays exceptionally like phase I on Boneyard and is similarly difficult for the attacking team. They have to cover a long distance only to be countered by the defending team that has been sitting there waiting and preparing. The attacking team’s jet pack loadout helps to balance things out a little by giving them a quicker but more vulnerable route to the bridge across the canyon. Phase II is almost more favored to the Elites than phase I. Elites spawn on high ground only a few steps away from the capture points and humans spawn down below without immediate access to either of the capture points making it very difficult for the humans to get anywhere. The far side capture point was usually never touched because it is a pain to get to and comes with little result. Since humans have to trek further to get there, perhaps adding a quicker route to the far side capture point as well as a better line of sight blocker between the two capture points could have balanced it out a little more and made the farthest point a more worthwhile goal.

    Phase III comes across as the most balanced section of the map. Humans have just about the same chance of capturing the core as the Elites have to stop the humans. The humans are given a Falcon and the Elites are intended to have a Banshee, but the Banshee’s location is close to where the humans drop into the canyon initially. If the humans gain control of the Falcon and the Banshee then the game looks grim for the Elites.

    Invasion Slayer on Summit writes a different story in terms of balance. When playing Invasion, the symmetrical orientation of the canyon plays little role in how the game plays, but with Invasion Slayer symmetry makes the game. As mentioned before, most Invasion maps fail to be enjoyable with both Invasion and Invasion Slayer, but Summit was created with the Forgetacular contest in mind for which submissions had to play well with both gametypes. The result was a success, and Invasion Slayer on Summit plays incredibly.



    Durability is certainly no issue when playing Summit. There are boundaries in place that keep players within the playing area, but the only gripe is that these boundaries are not visually defined in more open areas so it is sometimes hard to tell where players can walk or even fly. Safe zones are placed to make sure players in vehicles do not wander outside of the map and any perch that a player could exploit, particularly in the canyon, is sealed off. Despite its openness and span across Forge World, Summit as of yet has any gameplay affecting breaks or any breaks at all for that matter.

    Spawning issues are about as nonexistent as durability issues. Since Summit is designed for Invasion and Invasion Slayer players spawning is restricted to certain spots or the player’s battle partner. As a result there is no kind of wayward spawning or bad spawns. The only problem that could arise out of set spawns is spawn trapping due to the rather open spawn zones. Other than that little flaw, Summit has no clear durability issues regarding breakability or spawns.



    The way Summit is designed resembles something that despite the palette forgers are given is rarely ever accomplished: It actually looks like Forerunner structure. The oddly curved bridge, the sky penetrating structures, and overall layout give clear meaning to a Forerunner setting. Aside from the inherent theme, the way the structures are built is marvelous as well. The bridge structure, the showcase piece of the map, is utterly seamless and built to perfection. The way it meshes with the natural geometry on both ends of Montana and Alaska while remaining symmetrical is a clear display of attention to detail and meticulous precision. This is not to say the rest of the map is not worth looking at. Most of the canyon is peppered with spire structures and the central drop building that solidifies the way the map looks. There are a couple areas that are lacking in aesthetics. The attacker’s beginning area for one is just an open field with very little to look at until the magnificent bridge comes into view. Seldom do maps adhere to a clear theme all the way through, but Summit certainly does and it looks good while doing so.



    Summit offers an interesting play experience that is not perfect, but is enjoyable nonetheless. Some of Summit is modeled after things that have already been made, while some parts of it take what is known and turns it inside-out. Other parts are completely designed from scratch and the mind of Metawaddledee, but no matter the derivation of the layout and design, Summit offers a unique Invasion and Invasion Slayer experience that is seldom seen in the world of user created Invasion maps.


    Rating Multipliers

    Aesthetic :
    [/floatleft]7 x 3.0 = 21 out of 30
    7 x 3.0 = 21
    out of 30
    9 x 1.5 = 13.5
    out of 15
    6 x 1.5 = 13.5
    out of 15
    8 x 1.0 = 8
    out of 10

    Summit is certainly an Invasion map worth playing. It is not overtly one sided and actually requires a competitive edge and some strategy to play instead of spawn and die and try again. A great job to Metawaddledee for a great and under-appreciated map.


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