
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by JEEF, Aug 24, 2008.

  1. JEEF

    JEEF Ancient
    Senior Member

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    description: sulfur is a symmetrical map made especially for rave. sulfur is ment for six people and is recommended for my assault, territorys, flag, and king variants. keep in mind that in rave you start out with needler. also in my gametypes i made it so you start with no nades and have three second spawns. i have tested out my map for days so i know this:1 there is absolutly no spawn killing,2 everything is perfectly balanced so each team has a equal chance,and 3 this map requires alot of team work. in the picture below youll see that the shape of the map kinda looks like a tetris piece, but if you payed close enough attention you would notice that there are two tunnels. these take you to the middle, or they take you to the base if you were in the middle. you would probably think there is a spawn killing problem, but i tested enough to see that if they push hard enough youll spawn in a safe location at the opposite of your base. i also added some touches such as in the tunnels there are shield doors placed at the corners so you can pounce plasmas off of it. I also added some stuff to make gameplay better than just normal rave, these include deployable covers, plasma pistol, and a sentinal beam. i want to add a special thanks to chips in a box for the idea of rave.
    Weapon list: (quantity/spawn/clip)
    needler 4 / 30 / 2
    plasma rifle 4 / 45 / none
    plasma pistol 2 / 30 / none
    plasma cannon 2 / never / none
    sentinal beam 1 / 60,spawn start: no / none

    equipment list (same form)
    deployable cover 2 / 90 / none
    plasma nade 12 / 10-30 depending on area of map / none

    Gametype differences:
    *spawn with needler
    *start with no nades
    *three second spawns
    *all gametypes are 10 minutes maximum (exept king)
    *(assault) bomb carrier has 50% damage modifier and forced color pink
    *(flag) flag carrier has 50% damage modifier and forced color pink
    *(territorys) 20 second capture time, one-sided, 2, 5 minute rounds
    *(king) 100 points to win, 2 hills, change every minute, pink in hill

    Screenshots and further desription:

    red base: has two plasma grenades, deployable cover and a plasma cannon​
    red tunnel: you can bounce nades off shield door​
    to the middle(red side): what it looks like when you spawn​
    middle: has a sentinal beam and two plasmas​
    yellow base: same as red​
    yellow tunnel:same as red​
    to the middle(yellow side):same as red​
    Ation shots:

    clutch triple(extermination)
    game ender

    download links
    Mr Pokephile likes this.
  2. Spark

    Spark Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks nice and neat! im dling for sure 5/5
    Mr Pokephile likes this.
  3. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    this map reminds me of sapphire a lot, especially the aesthetic elements. this is not really a bad thing, i like it a lot. the interlockinging looks very precise, so it is very aesthetically pleasing. however, from the diagram and pictures, i cant really tell much about the layout. i'll DL when i get a chance and check it out.
  4. DxHydra

    DxHydra Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks very VERY clean and well thot out this looks feature wothy lets hope it plays good to im DLin
  5. JEEF

    JEEF Ancient
    Senior Member

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    its for rave and its basically an s with two tunnels leading to the middle also im noticing that there are more map downloads, then game downloads, you cant play this map with out game types i made it so you have options so pick one gametype
    #5 JEEF, Aug 24, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2008
  6. Future Cop 77

    Future Cop 77 Ancient
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    looks brilliant. 5/5

    but why not have an Invisibility instead of a custom power up on the blue side?
  7. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    yay another rave map. i was gonna make one but this looks good so i guess ill dl and save time 4/5
  8. XBlackDarknessX

    XBlackDarknessX Ancient
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    looks neat almost like saphire the interlocking and the set up inside of it looks sweet and perfectly set up
  9. colbster94

    colbster94 Ancient
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    i like this map and it has a catchy name. 4.432344 out of 5
  10. DeadeyeForge

    DeadeyeForge Ancient
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    Because an the map is based off of an A and B side. A is yellow, B is red. And this map is very competitive and works great for 3v3 rave bomb or rave ctf. I tested this with JEEF for about 5 days and had a great time. Nice job JEEF. 5/5. Hopefully more people will try it out, it's really fun.
  11. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    cool map, great interlocking. a competitive map that acually uses a sentinil beam, sweet. 4/5
  12. JEEF

    JEEF Ancient
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    people actually want to use it, you really wouldnt know how powerful it was until you used it in sulfur i also made it so there is only 1 on the map at all time to prevent there being 3 on the map when there are only supposed to be one.
  13. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hey jeff you posted it! Nice You should have invited me for testing! Oh well. Anyways this is for rave right? well suggest moving it to casual or mini games :p Well accualy it might be fine here. Anyways I havn't accualy gotten a game on it yet, ,So once i do i will give you a better review.
  14. JEEF

    JEEF Ancient
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    i did invite you i think you were playing brute burnout, it is for rave and if you do play it i would highly reccomend flag or assault what ever you like if i should move it how do i????
  15. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    yay jeef you posted it, it looks good i like the 2 hallways, there is intese fighting in there, the whole map is clean and nicely interlocked, also i like the flag in the oversheild. I enjoyed playing rave slayer. Good job
    Debo37 likes this.
  16. SiR Shmo0pY

    SiR Shmo0pY Ancient
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    looks like really great map for 2v2 and CTF looks like it really flows on this map, 5/5
  17. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    although its small, this map looks like alot of fun. you've obviously taken your time to put together a solid map. The center Beam spawn is my favorite structure, even though im not a fan of the sentinel beam itself. You did a clean job of interlocking everything, and the weapon placement seems to fit well.

    Ill get some games in sometime and most likely ill be back with a longer review. If i ever turn on my box again. :D
  18. JEEF

    JEEF Ancient
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    you were right everything is interlocked, literlly, if you pay attention the walls are slightly interlocked into the double box
  19. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    The interlocking is immaculate in this map. I love it. I also love the flag cap points inside of the powerups. Great work. :)
  20. JEEF

    JEEF Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ooh big words, jk thanks but try to improve your comments to how it plays because this is in competitve maps not astheatics

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