Map Name: Sulfur Forger: VII GT: J3litzkrieg Playable Game Variants: All slayer types (more coming soon)
I feel like It needs more cover maybe. Cant tell COMPLETELY from pics tho. Looks nice, like some sort of Narrows and Zealot god child, and hope it plays just as good.
Image tags man, image tags. An overview would also be nice, hard to tell what is going on. Not even sure what player count.
Mmk so first off just wanna apologize for the lack of image tags at the beginning there, only my second map posting, so bare with me lol. Thanks for takin the time to comment, always appreciated. @Narf, I might agree with you about the lack of cover, but as of right now I'm waiting to actually play on it with a full roster (which to also answer @FlyingShoeILR, would be 8-16 players, although that figure may change depending on what alterations are made for cover, if any.) Also, thanks for the compliment Narf. Comparisons to two maps like those are always nice to hear L; Unfortunately @FlyingShoe, I don't think an overview will be possible with how high up the map is. I tried, but I don't think I can get it. Any suggestions?
You might be able to get above the invisible ceiling on Ravine. You could do it in Forge World. Fly all the way up to as high as you can go then spawn a tele even higher than that. Spawn the other teleporter then go through it. Just an idea. Also if you're doing an overview shot I usually go into Forge and make an actual OVERVIEW variant. The variant will have certain pieces missing to make it easier to see from above. I enjoyed playing this with you yesterday. The map was nuts. It somewhat reminded me of a stretched out version of Haven. I loved the man cannons and taking my ghost up there. I'd need to test it with about 10 people to honestly give a critique but right now it's a super fun casual map to play on. Lots of height variation. You actually used the Forerunner structure too. The map is seriously huge though. Kinda a bit too crazy for me. Good job.
I will definitely be trying this. Thanks for the tip, and for the awesome comments. I'm considering reducing the size of the map overall, but haven't quite decided how best to go about that. I think it has a lot of potential, I just need to polish the hell out of it. I'm also considering changing the name for the final version. I like Sulfur, but I'm not sure it really fits the feel of this map in particular. I'm thinking something to do with the illusion of freedom it gives you, or it's emphasis on quick getaways. Thoughts? Btw, @FlyingShoeILR... I have to ask... is your name a reference to that guy throwing a shoe at George W. Bush that one time? Or are you just really into Greek mythology? lmao either way, great name L; haha
This map must look really cool in-game because I like the look a lot from just the cell phone pictures. I really like what you did with the tiered artifact base pieces. I'm not exactly sure how the map will work from the pictures, but if you can't get high enough to take an overview shot, there isn't much that you can do about that.
Thanks Wade. I'm putting up an updated version of the map on my fileshare now. I've also decided on a new name, which I will unveil when the map is 100%. Also, due to the nature of the map in it's current form, I'll be releasing a smaller version at the same time as the original. As it stands Sulfur is currently set up for 10-16 players. As always, comments are thoroughly appreciated! Enjoy!