Suggus Created by: WnV Taube Nuss (numbskull) & Bad Egg 87 Team Name: Numbed Eggs (German: Taube Eier) Map Prefix: [TE] Main idea and groundwork: WnV Taube Nuss (numbskull) Helping to design external corridors: Bad Egg 87 Description: - Symmetric small map, optimal for 2 on 2 - Populist game types are available - Middle place with a platform and 2 arced glass windows - 4 external corridors arranged like a X - one corridor goes up and other corridor goes down Weapons and more: 2 DMR 2 Grenade Launcher (low ammo) 1 Sniper Rifle (middle platform, low ammo) 4 Frag Grenade 2 Plasma Pistol 2 Spiker 4 Plasma Grenade 6 Health Station (45s regeneration) 1 Overshield (only in Slayer) For pic, click Spoiler. Spoiler Middle Area Side corridors behind Upper corridor Lower corridor
looks pretty good! one thing that might be a problem is the the Frame rate lag with all those windows and the light right next to it i do really like the way you used flagstands and capture plates for decorations
Very nice. I havent been on the hub in a while but this looks very clean and original as far as aesthetics. the layout itself if relatily simple but all around a pretty nice map. deff worth a dl