Subway By: x SilenT UsP o You live in a small town with only one entrance, the Subway. There is an infection going around that makes people into mindless zombies and it hasn't reached your town yet, until now. Can you survive? Subway was made for the Safe havens gametype, but it is also compatible with oddball (It makes a damn fun oddball game) and slayer. Here is a picture of the subway, where the zombies spawn. This is an overview of the town. A picture of one of the basements. This is another picture of one of the basements I appreciate all feedback, and if you download the map and enjoy it, please like it so that others will get to see it.
A couple more pics would be nice to judge the quality of the map. Other than that though it looks nice. Hows the balance and weapon spawns? any vehicles?
I'll get some more pics up, there is a ghost and 2 mongooses in infection and just a ghost on any other gametype. I think the weapon balance is fine but i'll need some feedback.
Love the map and how it works! Really unique and different from what I normally find. P.S. You pretty :3
hehe smooothh... Its very well designed but it kinda seems like everything else that was posted on here at day 1. Dont get me wrong, its a good map...just not that interesting. Keep forging though you are pretty good