Hello, I am on a youtube account called, MrDeathbypotato. I do halo reach map reviews and if you guys have any good maps comment on my post or go to my youtube account, MrDeathbypotato Submit any maps you want Also you can do a forger review and if you want to do that go to my youtube account and send me a PM saying you want a forger review and what maps to do, or send me a message on xbox Gt: M4G1C SPREE
Your channel's pretty cool, maybe you wanna advertize it a little more in here by posting some videos you made so far so people can get an impression. Also, try to find a way to be different from most YT channels. Right now, to most people you'll just be one of those thousands of people that review Halo maps on their channel without having something to distinguish themselves from the mass.
What REMkings said hey man, I do you remember playing my garbage dump and infected city map a while back? Could you possibly feature one or both of those? Thanks! PM me for more info! [br][/br]Edited by merge: ^Exactly that^ I subscribed to you a while back, but if you want to get big on youtube, do something different than most people. If you do the same as everyone else, you're just gonna be another person making the same videos that everyone else is making. Maybe try doing something different as well as map reviews.