Title: Submission Download: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=19112723 Screenshots: http://halo3.thewestwalker.net/maps.aspx#submission Description: This map is meant to be played with variants of Slayer, CTF, and Assault. One-sided objectives make for the best gameplay. Structures littered around this map make for excellent close-range gameplay, tied in with reasonable distances making for some long range confrontations. Creative use of lifts makes for interesting player movement. Use of techniques like floating and merging combined with thought-through design make this one of the best forged maps thewestwalker.net has to offer.
welcome to forgehub..i hate to say it but your post is not up to standerds. please veiw this topic http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1197
Fixed. I'm getting older and older, and the maps are getting better and better. This is no exception.
Looks very fun and playable. Have you ever considered testing it with SWAT, might be very fun? Anyways great map.
I've tried SWAT once or twice. I need to get more test runs in for various gametypes for all my maps to see which'll be suitable for coming playlists on my website. SWAT is one of the playlists, but the popularity will be diminished I'm sure since Bungie is putting one in themselves. (Snipers'll be up there too, though.)
Looks like a solid map with clean use of interlocking, but nothing really stands out to me. I think you need a better description or more pics, cause I can't really tell what the whole map looks like. You said something about a creative lift system, but you didn't explain it or show it in any of the pics: do that if you can.
Screenshots may be a little unexciting. Two of the lifts are in the first shot, on either side of the shotgun spawn. They take you up only one level on either side of the entrance to the shotgun building. The third lift provides travel from a tunnel leaving the sniper tower over a wall to the sword room. I'll consider screenshots if I get on tonight. Gameplay on this map thrives in the enclosed spaces, which are very hard to capture in a small number of screenshots. Through playtests it has proven to be a very fun map, even if the screenshots don't seem all that exciting.