
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by What's A Scope?, Oct 15, 2008.

  1. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Short Description
    During the Human-Covenant War, many strange relics and structures were found... 6-12 Players

    Weapon List
    Battle Rifle- 11
    Shotgun- 1
    Sniper Rifle- 1
    SMG- 2
    Spiker- 2
    Needler- 1
    Covenant Carbine- 4
    Turret- 1

    Equipment List
    Frag- 8
    Plasma- 7
    Spike- 1
    Bubble Shield- 2
    Power Drain- 1
    Overshield- 1

    Map Description
    Subliminal is a map that consists of two extremely different bases, yet they remain balanced. I like to call the bases, "High Base" and "Low Base". Obviously, the High Bases is elevated, and the Low Base is closer to the ground. It also contains two smaller bases that I call the Corner Base, for the attackers, and the Grav Lift Building, for the defenders.

    The High Base serves as the defender's side. There are three parts to the base. The main part, the sniper tower, and the low part. The main part is a tall tower that is connected to the catwalk. The catwalk connects to the sniper tower. The sniper tower is a smaller tower. The low part is connected at the bottom of the main part.

    The Low Base only has one part. It is basically a short "wall". On either side there are "rooms". One has a small window, and the other has a wide window.

    The attacker's Corner base is basically a platform, but it leads to a series of jumps that gets to the Sniper Tower at the defender's base.

    The defender's Grav Lift Building sits opposite of the attacker's Corner Base. There is three ways to get in. Two on the sides and from the roof, which is easily accessible. Inside the building is where the flag/bomb plant spawn. And the reason for its name, it houses a geo-merged gravity lift that allows you to get over the wall.

    All these structures make the gameplay fun. I recommend playing Team Slayer or Capture The Flag on it.

    The AJ Review

    Now the Pics:

    Map Overview
    Attacker's Base Overview
    Bridge to Defender's base.
    Defender's Base Overview
    Top of Defender's Base
    Sniper Tower
    Low Part of the Defender's base
    Grav Lift Buildng
    Inside the Grav Lift Buillding
    Attacker's Corner Base

    Action Shots:

    I hope you enjoy.

    #1 What's A Scope?, Oct 15, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2008
  2. Resix

    Resix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow good map scope. i lreally like how it has strategic jumps. i also like the geomerged gravlift i have never been able to do that and it frustrates me but the fact that you can do it is awesome. And what i didnt get an invite for testing it? lol jk. And i only see one spot on the geomerging where it looks sloppy so good job with everything else
  3. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    this looks a bit sloppy. but other then a few things here and there it is a veary sweet map and i like how it looks. also i think that some of the ramps you have ook really cool. like the one with stairs on each side of it.
  4. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    great map. looks a bit open in some places though. pretty good merging. 4/5 good job.
    btw its hard to see the black text with the forgehub x (default) background
  5. RejectedSnail

    RejectedSnail Ancient
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    I agree with is a little open..but overall it looks pretty thing that i see from the pictures that i think that you need to fix is forging the bridges together that go to the defenders base...but overall good job...V2??
  6. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    First thing's first: geomerged grav lifts are sexy.

    Anyway, there's a lot of interesting angles in this map. There some weirdly shaped doorways and walls, and some precarious jumps. These are all fairly cool and innovative... The problem arises with how the mesh with the rest of the map. It almost looks as if these areas are just poorly constructed, which I'm pretty certain is not the case. This is especially evident in your 30 degree tilt walls and your stair formations.
    However, I can tell you are a good forger. I can see that you know how to apply all these intense forging tecniques. Personally, I don't like technical jumps in a competitive map. There's nothing more frustrating than losing firefights because of a missed complex jump. But that's just my personal opinion. Seems to be a pretty good map, try to find a way to make the entire map more of a cohesive whole as opposed to a sum of parts. 4/5
  7. IrishBeast

    IrishBeast Ancient
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    I am not even going to complain about the sloppiness, because of how original this map looks! I like the defenders base much more I must say. The shield doors I can see in the pics look a bit pointless when juts looking at pictures not gameplay or something. The map looks like it took a lot of time and new ideas! I would also like to add that you geo-merged in some difficult places! I know I said I would not, but on the "Attacker's base overview pic" It looks like the bridge is sloppy and should be fixed. That just keeps bugging me, so I hope a v2 fixes it! Good map 4.5/5... just little things I personally do not like.

  8. FlipStik

    FlipStik Ancient
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    Wow, I really like this, this map is awesome and different. The attackers base is very unique, and I like the bridge going to the defenders base. (Mainly the part made of bridges and with stairs stood up on the side.) It's all just really awesome, and you've definately made a masterpiece. The interlocking is great, although here and there could be a little neater. Overall I definately like it, great job.
  9. Bass Forger

    Bass Forger Ancient
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    Should be featured!

    *Jaw drops*.. Amazing! I really don't see why people are complaining about the sloppiness it looks great! If people are saying it's sloppy though you should maybe fix it up a bit with a v2 and it's a sure fire feature. I have qued and i truly hope that your uniqueness with your maps do not run out. I would love to see more! 5/5 and i'll 5 star your thread.

    Keep Forging! Please!

    EDIT: Did you geomerge a moveable lift or is it a mancannon? If it's a gravity lift then that's the first time i've actually ever seen that technique in a map and if it's a mancannon that's still pretty hard.
  10. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Thanks, everyone, for the feedback.

    Yes, I realize it's a bit sloppy. Though this really dosen't affect gameplay, but it does make the looks go down. =p

    The thing is, the jump aren't necessary. They are just a faster route to a place. I understand what you are saying, though.

    It is a grav lift.
  11. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    What map are you looking at? This map is interlocked extremely well, has geomerging, and looks all around awesome. Kudos to Scope, can't wait to see another map.
  12. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    The interlocking featured throughout your map is nearly flawless, but a few of the objects geo-merged could have received more effort. Other than that my only other criticism is the overuse of shield doors.

    With the rest of the constructed criticism on your thread, I suggest a v2 will gain more publicity.

    All in all, I think that your map deserves a happy face : ).

  13. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Over use of shield doors? There are only two, and they are on opposite sides of the map. Plus one is interlocked with a box so it's more like one and a half.
  14. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    I am reloaded and ready to fire. So be ready.

    The AJ Review
    Links: 5 out of 5 (How can I miss it?)
    Post font and color: 4 out of 5 (I'm not a big fan of yellow, it is hard to see)
    Post Format: 5 out of 5
    Pictures: 5 out of 5 (I can actual tell what is on your map)
    Video: None
  15. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Font= 4/5 D=
    and I have no way to get a video, unless someone would do it for me.

    EDIT: I just realized, maybe you are on oldschool? Because on FHX its fine.
  16. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I dled this scope, I'm going to see if I can get Vorpal and Sweeny and have a game, than I'll review for ya.
  17. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks chrst, can't wait to see what you guys think.

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