Note: This is the second thread I make for Subliminal, but there's been big changes from the previous version (calling it Subliminal Zero). I thought about the feedback from Forge Hub and other people, made a lot of changes, and here we go! Subliminal is a small, open, asymmetrical map. Try it once and you'll never forget it. 3vs3 or 4vs4 is ideal but even 1vs1 works just fine. More than 8 players will probably get a bit crowded, but still hella fun. My favourite game types on Subliminal are Slayer Pro, King of the Hill and 1Flag5Minutes Pro, which is a 1Flag game type I've made for Subliminal. Taking the man cannon from the base to the square tower with the flag is super duper cool. FFA also works just the way you want it to. Subliminal supports 16 players (which is insane) for all game types. The race track on Subliminal is nuts. People say they like Subliminal for it's tight design and fast action. You are always just a second away from the action. Though, if you for some reason hate man cannons, I should warn you: it has 6 of them. I hope you'll try Subliminal and play it with your friends. It really stands out from the crowd. Awesome games guaranteed! Weapons 2x Sniper Rifle (0 spare clips) @ 180 seconds 2x Shotgun (0 spare clips) @ 150 seconds 9x DMR (2 spare clips) @ 30 seconds Pictures:
This map has good design, I like the floating bases and you have a good idea for a map. I will download this and take a closer look.
This map looks fun, put a little like it was sloped together without rhyme nor reason. Looks fun for headhunter though.
Subliminal Subliminal is a very simple map off small proportions. Its structure consists of several balconies, towers and pathways with dangerously low railings. While it appears that the creator has attempted to mix up the gameplay with small tricks here and there, the only succeed in a small way. It is true that the occasional man cannon can be a fun ride, but when there are six of them on the map and they only work half the time, the concept completely backfires. Players end up avoiding them for fear of getting fired slightly off track and into the sea. Even if players try to avoid them, one man cannon often catches players by surprise as some of it is partially concealed. There are two areas where players are forced to take their time and pull off a careful maneuver to get where they want. One such area is the teleporter placed directly in the center of a doorway. Players are able to get past, but often forget and are teleported to a totally different area. With so many fundamental mistakes, it becomes usual that players get bored and even frustrated with the map and their inevitable deaths from merely walking around it. But irritating problems aside, the shape of the map itself has the potential for some fairly fun battles. Once players understand the map and are able to play on it with minimal issues and suicides, the somewhat unpredictable battlefield makes for some unique gameplay. Unfortunately, unique gameplay just is not for everyone. In this asymmetrical map, it is hard to define any type of balance. There is no established territory throughout the entire map as players are often running around by themselves. A very important imbalance happens at the very beginning. The red team begins in the map’s building area, with plenty of cover. On the other hand, the blue team is left in no man’s land with nothing to save them from red bullets. There appears to be some attempt at keeping power weapons balanced, however it doesn’t quite work out. There are two sniper rifles on the map. One has been given one more clip than the other. While extra ammo would level out any imbalances, it was given to the wrong sniper rifle. The one out in the open receives only four bullets, while the gun located near a key vantage point has twice the ammo. Although it is not quite right, there a very interesting balance mechanic works very well. Not too far from the sniper with more ammo and an advantageous view there is the second sniper. Players are given the choice to sacrifice their ledge and drop down to collect extra ammo or to stay and risk the uprising of a counter sniper. There are points in the map where players can stand on pieces which stick out of the side of an edge. They are clearly not meant to be there, and this can afford them the advantage of hiding under exclusive cover. The gravity lifts and man cannons often fail to work, throwing players who happen to walk at an angle or jump dangerously off course and into the sea. The following was written by Robbieagray Jetpacks are good for traveling over a distance but for this map it is pointless for anyone to try to escape the map. Now there is one place where the player can use the terrain to his advantage that is if he does not mind jet packing to the top of an antenna in plain sight of just about the whole map. Throughout the entire map, there are small instances of atrocious aesthetic design. When players come across these parts, it begins to feel less like a competitive map, and more like a playground. For example, at one point a chute was made from two circular stair pieces. The design worked nicely for players traveling down, but it would have been impossible to climb back up. To counter this, a makeshift ladder was awkwardly built from small pieces jutting out from the chute’s smooth wall. Not only was this unpleasant to the eye, but it slowed the flow of the map as effectively as trudging through mud. Another instance of inappropriate structure greatly detracts from gameplay. This would be the tower on the opposite side of the map made from, yet again, circular stair pieces. In a failed attempt to make it work through function, pieces were placed oddly so that players could physically traverse the confusing structure. As a result, the tower became one of the most awkward looking areas of the map. Even with these areas of ugliness, there is a consistent theme of messiness which can tend to distract from the flow of gameplay. Pieces are merged oddly and are often not aligned properly. While the game still manages to function, Subliminal is definitely not very nice to look at. One point of merit would be in the creative use of pieces. Where some failed, there were also areas where normality is maintained and a proper atmosphere is established. These areas do not go above and beyond that of an average map, so do little to brighten the darkened atmosphere. Even if some don’t work smoothly, several unique ideas were utilized in Subliminal. The tunnel made from sideways circular ramps was a very nice change from the pit and gravity lift combination. Something else that is rather unusual would be the teleporter which takes players into the center of a one-way shield. This then pushes them out of the teleporter receiver, thus foiling any campers with the intent of blocking pursuers. This works flawlessly without the use of any alarming kill barriers. It would appear that another one-way system was attempted, even though players are able to foil it. At one point on a bridge, the path stops and a gap is left between the next bridge piece. In one direction there is a ramp which allows players the necessary height to jump across. Supposedly this ramp would also block anyone jumping from the opposite direction; however players could succeed with the correct timing and careful placement. Rating Multipliers [floatleft]Enjoyment: Balance: Durability: Aesthetic : Originality:[/floatleft]4 x 3.0 = 12 out of 30 5 x 3.0 = 15 out of 30 6 x 1.5 = 9 out of 15 6 x 1.5 = 9 out of 15 7 x 1.0 = 7 out of 10 A lot of points are lost because of Subliminal’s inability to maintain working man cannons and establish a good flow. Unless you really must check it out, there are better maps out there. Final Score Understanding the Review Hub's Ratings Have a question about your review? Review Hub Community Feedback
Thanks for the review! The teleporter and the ramp on the bridge are race-only-parts, even though race was messed up for this release and should not be played.