Suberbs YES, I spelled it wrong! Download the map In my own words: Finally posted a map without V2 in the name! Suberbs is a great, misspelled, map and is the largest map I've posted so far. Supporting every gametype this map (in my words) Kicks A@#... what I'm censored now!? I only cursed once!...anyway. Suberbs contains 4 large buildings that while well forged look very run down and fit well into the map. Two buildings are given to each team in CTF assault, ect. and it all works well. In the map are 2 warthogs, 1 Invisble ower up, 1 overshield, 4 brs, 2 shotguns, 2 machine gun turrets, 4 of every grenade (no Fire grenades), 2 sentinal beams, 2 Sniper rifles, 2 Brute shots, 2 brute spikers, 4 smg's, and a rocket lancher, PWNAGE....By the way, yes I did write 3-10 for how many people you should have instead of 4.... Get over it..... or if you never cared, stay off it. Side A Side B The warthogs downfall Overshield spawn Invisible spawn I understand that these aren't the best pictures ever but action shots tend to come from bigger parties than 4 people.... You know the drill.
dude cool map i really like it nice job rolling out a couple of maps..have your sig have links to them, and then you will get them out there more! congrats, 4/5 take out that truck in the crane, and add some crap thats more aesthetically pleaseing, and it should be a 5/5, with a little more cover in the middle
I agree with sdrakulich about making it more aestheically pleasing but it looks like a very good map for zombies. It could also be great for sniping with all of the different windows and roofs. 4.5/5 EDIT: You might want to split the description and weapons apart. it gets kinda confusing going from description to weapons back to description and gametypes. Just a suggestion.
That looks like a great map. I think I see vertical interlocking- If that is true- pretty impressive. Some should be cleaned up, but it is very V2 worthy. -jelly
another thing to fix would be the overshield spawn box....make it thinner (merging into the other box) and make the geo merge cleaner (its crooked) also what you could do is put the slightest hint of the overshield on the outside of the box, and then you could have people know if an overshield was picked up!
this is a cool map i will give it a 4.5/5 any way there is only 1 thing that put me off a 5 i know it is harsh but it was that lorry it sloppy i hate slop