Thank you, I'm glad you like Rush as well, perhaps we should both make one called 2112? lol Right, I figured that might be a problem...Anyway, you may try to edit it, although theres only like $30 on the budget. If you do make it work, please don't redistribute or take credit for it. =) On a side note, I haven't really been able to forge enough to finish the Gold Edition, however, it is almost done...everything seems to be coming together in a nice geometrically ordered fashion...
Cool. Thanks. I'll see what I can do. I would never try to steal or redistribute anybody's maps though. I am blatantly against that. By the way, I think I'll call it Lavadivisions... JK. I think I'll straighten the fence box in the 1st pic and put fence boxes that block the attacking side on both of the Sub-Bases.