
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by The Cheat, Jan 2, 2009.

  1. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    Subdivisions BETA



    Subdivisions: Gold Edition has been closed indefinitely due to a strange sandstorm that destroyed the rest of this town...


    "After the Covenant invasion, many survivors were forced to take refuge in the slums of New Mombasa. 2 - 8 Players."

    Subdivisions, or Hemispheres as it was originally known as is an Urban themed Asymmetrical map designed and forged by me. The map it self is rather unique in the sense that the layout is asymmetrical whilst the weapon placement is actually somewhat symmetrical.

    The layout consists of the defender's spawn which is near the back hallway, the courtyard, two "sub-bases", and several alleyways and corridors in between. The shotgun can be found in a small building in the center of it all.


    There are several weapons on the map, most of which are human weapons, ranging from SMGs to Snipers. The weapons are as followed:

    - 8 Battle Rifles (45 sec. respawn)
    - 2 SMGs (45 sec. respawn)
    - 2 Snipers (120 sec. respawn)
    - 1 Shotgun (90 sec. respawn)
    - 2 spikers (30 sec. respawn)
    - 2 carbines (30 sec. respawn)
    - 2 needlers (60 sec. respawn)
    - 1 bubble shield (90 sec. respawn)
    - 4 plasma grenades (10 sec. respawn)
    - 4 frag grenades (10 sec. respawn)


    The part most people probably have already scrolled down to...


    The Warehouse Plaza, also shown is the defender's spawn. A sniper Rifle spawns in the back of the truck.


    The Central Plaza, this branches off in several directions, and is usually where the fighting occurs.


    The Billboard Plaza, this is near the Attacker's Spawn, there is also a sniper rifle here.


    One of the "Sub-Bases" there a two Battle Rifles here.


    The other Sub-Base, there are also two Battle Rifles here. The platform is slanted like that on purpose.


    The Defenders' actual spawn, there is a carbine and mauler here.


    The Attackers' spawn, there is a carbine and mauler here too.


    1st street, the bubble shield spawns at tunnel, there is also the entrance to the shotgun building.


    2nd Street, the dumpster can provide excellent cover here


    The alley connecting 1st and 2nd Street, also known as Dumpster Alley. There is an entrance to the Shotgun building here as well.


    The long alleyway that connects the Billboard Plaza to 1st Street, watch for grenades...


    The sniper is quite useful up close, but there are plenty of longshots as well.


    Purple team ambushes a red player on 1st Street, no civilians were killed during the firefight.


    The shotgun is useful here too!


    Barrels and Dumpsters are great for cover in this city block!


    BOOM!!!!! HEADSHOT!!! yes, it was a no scope...


    The bubble shield is extremely useful here as well!


    - FFA Slayer
    - Team Slayer
    - Multi Flag


    Fun Facts:

    The map's title Subdivisions, is a song by the band
    Rush. The map's working title was Hemispheres, an album by Rush that went Platinum.

    - The original title for the map was going to be Cygnus X-1(pronounced: sig-nus-x-one) and the theme was going to be space-like. However, after the map developed more and looked more city-like, I decided it should have been renamed to suit the theme.

    95% of the Immovable Objects on the map are either interlocked or geomerged.

    - A Subdivision is divided land in a suburban or urban setting that is easier to sell or develop. Which is another reason I chose the name.

    - The map is inspired by Gridlocked and Reflex, which are possibly the two best "Urban" maps to date.

    Thanks to:

    Maddflash - for testing and helping me sort out the spawn issues.
    CommandoPiggy - for testing
    Pizza the hut38 - for testing

    please rate and comment. Constructive criticism is fine, but I'll accept complements as well. Just no flaming please. =)

    #1 The Cheat, Jan 2, 2009
    Last edited: May 6, 2009
  2. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    This looks like a very nicely made map. It seems like you picked a very nice weapon set also. Not to mention you didn't put too many grenades down so you can effectively cut down on the spamming. I also like the overhead passes you made. A good map here.
  3. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    The combanation of amazing angles and interesting elevations make this map look exciting. Also yu managed to use the back parts of foundry extremely well. I like your layout A LOT. when you jave a system of alleys and larger paths like that it opens up a whole bunch of different possibilities. I like to see that you are trying to have good aesthetics with the warthog and the barrels/ cones. It looks really nice. This map looks extremely Profesional to a point. Some of the merges look screwed up, like that fence box in the back part. But that may have been done on purpose.
  4. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    Coolio. It a forged well and has a nice layout. Great weapon set too.

    I would interlock that fence wall deeper into the box on 1st to make it look cleaner.
    I don't know exactly why you made those geomerges crooked though. Was it to aid people in jumping onto them?
    Everything else looked incredibly well done though. I like your use of the streets and alleys.

    I've been waiting for a good urban themed map for a while, and as such, have reserved a permanent place on my hard drive for this map.
    #4 Sotha Sil156, Jan 2, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2009
  5. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    It was actually, I did it so players can jump on them and maneuver through the map with greater ease.

    The fence wall on 1st Street is a sort of barrier for grenades, I decided to leave it that way because it added to the theme of the map, which is a demolished city.

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    Hmmm wow looks neat. I like the warthog in the fence box, and the size of the map looks like it would be fair while it keeps the intence fun game play. You got a range of big and small area too fight in including tight halls and big open rooms with dumpsters too fit in as cover. Towering boxs with well placed senery make me give this a nice "Good Job" 4/5 !
  7. II AceMasta II

    II AceMasta II Ancient
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    I was originally going to just skim over this but then i saw your name lol. Homestarrunner ftw my friend anyways on to the map. Your layout is impressive to say the least i have always tried to create a map with alleys in it but i cannot ever make it feel like alleys with the items forge has to offer, but you pulled it off quite nicely. All of the different angles to attack from are sweet too and i like how some of your boxes are tilted to provide cover, nice touch. Anyways overall a great map 4.5/5 simply because there are some small messy areas(not anything big)
  8. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    I thank you for the complement on my name.

    As for the messy parts, I'm assuming your talking about the fence box at the defender's spawn and the double box at sub-base B. I actually did both of those on purpose, to give the map a more "worn out" feel, but they also had gameplay purposes as well.

    The fence box is crooked to make jumping from there to the platform by the doors easier. The double box is slanted to make it easier to jump up to from the ground, without the use of grenades or crates.
  9. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    This looks like a small map for all those weapons. Seriously, remove the shotgun, remove 1 mauler and remove 1 sniper. That way the game play would be more balanced.

    I see some clean forging here, nice design. Although I'm just going to give you 1 simple tip, when you interlocked that fence wall to the double box, the fence wall is still visible.Try to push it in a little bit more. Good job. Queued.
  10. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    Thank you, please take note, that I've recently found a problem with the spawns, I'm working to resolve this and update the post.

    However until I do so, there is a possibility that you may spawn next to enemies in certain gametypes, specifically FFA games to be exact. Expect Subdivisions Gold Edition very soon, which will include (but is not limited to.) the follow:

    - Better Spawns
    - Cleaner Layout (Fixing any crooked boxes)
    - Smoother Gameplay (Weapons will be reworked to form a more balanced map)
    - Better Compatibility (Will work with all gametypes.)

    ~The Cheat~
    #10 The Cheat, Jan 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2009
  11. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    woah, posted already?

    i had barely looked at it earlier today! havent even gotton a game on it yet and you posted!

    could i possibly pre-order one subdivision: Gold Edition for three easy payments of 19.95? and perhaps us ROFL-rangers could get some games goin this friday?

    i know you probably didn't mean it, but i can help but feel this map is one very-very large chain of double boxes looping through the a retarded snake that only bends at 90 degree angles? just me tho =P
  12. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    It was actually posted before, but it wasn't until late last night that I had found out some issues with the spawns. Which is why I'm replacing it with Subdivisions: Gold Edition (Subdivisions GE) to work out all the kinks and balance the map better.

    I've gotten lots of comments about how the fence wall should be push in more or how the double should should be straightened, which is why I am also fixing that to. In essence, the map is getting a makeover, to make it look and play nicer than before.

    As for the retarded snake, It does sorta look like that, but I had planned it to form a winding chain of streets and alleyways, to add to the Urban feel.

    ~The Cheat~
  13. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    I got to play a game on it, and your right the spawns can be pretty messed up. I played 2 vs 2 on it and the spawns were like something out of Call of Duty 4.

    I was going to review this, but I'll wait because your releasing a "Gold Edition" which will hopefully fix the problems I was going to address in my review.
  14. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    Thank you for reading my post above, not many people do and they say things that make them look ignorant. Anyway, the Gold Edition is coming along, I've made a few changes people may find pleasing, and I'm in the process of making it compatible with all gametypes as promised.

    ~The Cheat~
  15. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    You probably don't care about this, and you might have included it on purpose, but in the defender's base, it is possible to crouch jump from the window panel (left center of 1st picture) to the bridges (bottom left of second picture).

    Also, the way you set up the object layout in the map (always within two jumps from each other) makes it so the map might possibly work well for Lavaman. I have yet to try it though. sadness
  16. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    It is actually possible to jump from the window panel to the bridges, however, you cannot go anywhere from there so it would really only be useful if you had the sniper rifle and even then, you would only be able to see the courtyard.

    As for Lavaman, I'm not sure if it would work well, I honestly haven't heard of the gametype before.
  17. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    Lavaman was a minigame played in Halo 2 on the map Turf. It was a game of One Flag with two people (the lavamen) on the defending team (everyone else was on the attacking team). The Attacking team had to get to the flag and bring it back to their base within the two minute time limit; they each have only one life.
    But here's the catch: They couldn't kill the lavamen (defenders), who had swords, and the lavamen could only kill them when they touched the ground. So, to win, they had to make a path of barrels and crates and ledges to get the flag.
  18. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    Sounds quite fun, I assume it would, as I have set this map up for Flag Variants, go ahead and try it if you want, although I can't make any guarantees on how it will play.
  19. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    Sweet map! There are a lot of cool structures in there but I didn't really get a feeling of the layout until I dled it. Some things look a little off (like one of the fence boxes, it might have been on purpose though) but it's an overall good map. Awesome name too. I might have to make a map called "The Temple of Syrinx" now.
  20. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    I was forging through the map, continuing my one person testing of how it would work in Lavaman, and I noticed that the merged boxes make it much too easy for the attacking team. Would you mind if I edited the map, using fence boxes to block off those boxes from the side to make the game fair to the defenders?

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