Map: Sub-Temple This map is a Forerunner structure that was a sub-terrain temple that began to rise from the ground when the Halo rings was activated. Now this temple sits high above the grounds of Sandbox where no one can escape and live. This map consists of two mains floors with an overhead bridge and basement-like floor. The bottom two floors are symmetric in four directions. The upper two are symmetric in two directions. Weapons lie around from past visitors who mysteriously disappeared. Now it's your turn to explore this ancient structure. Gametype: Any slayer variant(DO NOT LOWER GRAVITY, meant to play within the confines of the map with standard or high gravity!) Oddball and 1 Flag work as well. ________________________________________________________________________ Images: The Sword Room Another angle of the Sword Room Lower Main Floor Another angle of the Lower Main Floor The outside, you don't go here, you stay inside! Can't be killed by the Kill Balls, even with the grenade jump to get there. The Bridge, essentially the highest floor. Use a BR to wreak havoc from here. Going down one of four identical ramps to the basement that are connected to the lower main floor. Inside the basement(lowest floor). An overveiw of the bridge and upper main floor(sword room). Did someone mention to much power, you can easily take out the sword bearer and his shield with the rocket placed where my little friend is standing.
Your pictures aren't working, Please try to get some embedded within the next 24 hours you this thread will be locked. (maybe you accidently posted this too early, not sure)
Try again, I realized the insert didn't work with the link I provided so I changed it. Should work now. I tested it, works fine.
Try this link. It should help you. I had a quick look at the pics you linked, and the map looks alright. I'll wait until you imbed screenshots to judge, though.
Oh okay it is working now. But these pics need to be embedded. Im sorry i can't provide you with a link because frankly i don't have one to the thread XD But Make sure that you embed them before the 24 hours is up.
When will people learn that kill balls hurt people eyes, especially when mixed with fx. Even just fx hurt peoples eyes, especially the combination used on your map I forget what it is though. Most of the time it's better to go without these they just distract people while they are playing. Oh and don't double post, just edit your previous post.
Okay, But you're supposed to stay INSIDE the structure, so it's not that bad if you look from the inside. My friend told me it would look cool.
Too bright Yea iknow what u mean I really hate when killballs are mixed with the juicy effect but killballs aren't bad when they are behind walls and u don't have to see them in game play
i like the design more pics would help. :] an a overshield on the sword spawn ? So much power! almost to powerful
If you guys would like, I'll add more pictures today of the bridge and a bird's eye view of the inside on both sides. I can try to take pics. of the basement area.
I like the bottom floor a lot more than the top. I do not like the killballs much though. The weapons are also a bit iffy. I'd think about adding a few more rooms, connecting to these ones.
There's actually 4 floors, a basement-like room at the bottom, the main lower section(which you seem to like), an upper main floor(sword room), and a bridge at the top. So there's more rooms(not so much rooms as floors) than you think, I'm going to edit the post and actually put some pictures of these on today. In addition, the Kill Balls can't kill you. They're purely for looks.
Looks like an awesome map! Defiantly aesthetically pleasing to me I didn't know you could do that with a kill ball, I'll have to remember that for my later maps Good Job! 4.8/5
If the killballs can't kill you, then whats the point of having them in the map? I know they are there for asthetic reasons, but the sound they make is annoying. Other than that your map looks pretty cool. I like how you have different rooms to play in. 4.5/5
If you guys like the map, I need you to recommend it to ALL your friends. I'm trying to get into Bungie favorites.