Stunt school 3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by hobblejp, Apr 10, 2008.

  1. hobblejp

    hobblejp Ancient
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    This is coming to forge hub first due to a bungie moderation problem

    Its done though and it include the barrel roll jump through a billboard, an explosive hallway and a vehicle transporter, theres two variantsions one with the billboard one without as the billboard makes it mo9re fun to play but less pleasing to watch in theatre.

    Again its designed to be played on slayer settings

    Stunt Shool 3Version with the billboard

    Stunt School 3.1
    Version without the billboard

    And now for the screenshots
    The explosive hallway

    The vehicle transporter

    Barrel roll through the billboard on Stunt school 3

    barrel roll without the billboard on Stunt school 3.1

    additional info
    I will add a better fileshare link once this mess has been sorted and Ive hopefully got some sort of apology from the moderators for banning me without due reason

    I did try using pallets for the billboard but they wouldnt break so I had to abandon it and got back to the barrier wall
    #1 hobblejp, Apr 10, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2008
  2. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I know you don't like theater but for a map like this... some one making a film of this...could be a good idea... I will probly DL this but i have to wait a few days...
  3. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    You had to have gotten your ideas for your stunt school maps from stuntman ignition. I love that game so I might try out your maps. I know this would be a pain, but I think you should have waited until the moderator has you removed from the blacklist. Send him a message explaining what happeneds, and why you should not be blacklisted. I'm sure FH may make an exception, since you can't post a thread on the bungie forums, but you should have still waited. Good job on the map :)
  4. hobblejp

    hobblejp Ancient
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    I have by the seems of it the modderator in question isnt budging they havent even bothered to send a reply back yet and its been over 5 hours. Its a 4 day blacklisting and I spent plenty of time last night and today perfecting the map, its been delayed long enough already lol I didnt want to keep people waiting much longer
  5. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Hi, I'm new here, but I thought you'd like to know, I'm a fan of the series and I LOVE the stunt school maps :)
  6. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    Looks cool. Is there a stunt skool 1/2
  7. hobblejp

    hobblejp Ancient
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    #7 hobblejp, Apr 14, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2008
  8. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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  9. Insanity

    Insanity Ancient
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    Looks awsome gotta try that out! And dont worry about the mods about half of them are crooked. Pezz blacklisted me for posting a bad comment on his screenshot. He then preceeded to post hateful things on my screens then when i replied blacklisted me. I complained to bungie and they didnt even do nothing!
  10. hobblejp

    hobblejp Ancient
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    Im glad everyone likes it and Im sure its just from here that Ive got over 100 downloads already, which is an all time record for any of my maps.

    BTW Im blacklisted again for "bumping" yes I reply to a comment and its classed as bumping these days seriously, Ive also found out I was banned for "quadruple posting" I never knew quad meant 2 lol and "encouraging others to break forum rules" yes because allowing people to advertise there work is really worse than having people bump threads up to get them back, and it stops "cold messaging" from people, Im pissed off at now As soon as Timesplitters 4 comes out Im gone and I'll be map making on there, and I do home forge hub will open up to allow people to post forged maps from timesplitters 4 not just halo
    #10 hobblejp, Apr 15, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2008

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