Structurized Best Game Types: FFA or Any Team Based Game Type Players: 4-12 Description: An a-symmetrical map. Each team is given a base and there are areas around each sides to attack from. Fully tested in every game type to make it as fair and as fun possible. Author: Picceta (Me) DOWNLOAD HERE Screenshots ~Comment back, I hope you like it.~ Peace.
Before I judge I think I'll need to see more pics, the action shots are good but I'm not seeing the big picture.
Thanks for replying. It's hard to get a good screenshot of everything on this map. I'll upload more screenshots tomorrow, but it's easier to just take a quick look and play the map.
False. To do that I need to click a few links to get it downloaded, go over to my tv, turn everything on, load the map. Or, I can scan a few screenshots. Do me a favor and post some better layout shots, please. The action shots look nice, but I also want to see the map. Also, not to be a jerk, but you said: "Best Game Types: FFA or Any Team Based Game Type" Doesn't that cover everything? Surely every game type available can't be the best, right? Sorry if this sounds overly critical, but I'll be happy to download and review this map if you give me some more eye-candy.
Alright I took some better screenshots and edited my first post. And by the game types thing, I meant as in, not game types like juggernaut, VIP or stuff like that, although infection works pretty well. Lemme know if the new screenshots are enough. Thanks to anyone who replies.
Thanks to anyone who takes the time to try this. All feedback is welcome. This isn't my best map at all, the others just need re-balancing before posting even though the actual maps are built. But I hope you enjoy this one ^.^ Peace.
Just gave this map the once over (no opponents or friends, mind you). It really is interesting. Different geometries and it probably plays great. I'm not sure about the weapon placements, though... seems like a little too much firepower at either end, and the sniper placements seem weird for some reason. Overall, it looks nice, though.
Balancing weapons can be sorta tricky yea.. Although my friend placed the Sniper Rifle on the top base, at first I thought it was too much, but when I played with people it seemed to work pretty well. I removed some power weapons though, like the rocket launcher. But I'd say there's roughly the same amount of power weapons on the map then any other. Most maps have a couple of snipers, either a laser or rocket, and brute shots, I gave one side FRG instead of brute shot though. It seemed fair since getting a good shot with FRG can be hard.
i don't see anyone using the windowed section. taken as a whole, the map is interestingly built with a lot of cover running through it. maybe not built vertically enough but that's a gameplay choice i think.
Looks cool, I havn't seen something like this before. I've seen the usual wall dividing Foundry before but a diagonal wall is something new. The design is not too complex which makes the map easy to navigate. I'll dl when a get a chance. Nicely done.
Thanks, and yeah a lot of my maps are like this, I try to use a layout that looks good and plays well. You'll see more from me soon ^.^ Hope that everyone who played so far liked it. Peace.