Structures That's actually my 3rd map posted on FH... i think... Back story : There were during the forerunners' reign, many developed architecture: temples, outpost or houses; But with the fall of the empire following the flood's attack led to most of these buildings disappear. It remains to this day still some residue of its old beauty like these ruins, unfortunately time and flood have destroy a big part of what seems to be a village. Our scientists have been able to identify some of these ruins and thus shed some light on their likely utility. Géo and Gameplay: Structures is a asymmetric competitive map . It includes about 5 structures (1 base, 1 middle, 1 "tower", 1 "garden", a catwalk and two satellites). The whole map form a "L", which means that both teams are not face to face at the beginning of game. Attackers can then rush straight to the base with a few cover or hide themselves taking heavy weapons to kill the enemies. Defenders have quite good cover and eqipement to try to keep their base safe. In slayer it's not advisable to stay on the base without weapons ... After this small recap, here are some illustrations and lists of weapons/equipment/vehicles used: First, the main forgetechniques I used : Symetri option (in fact, in goals placement) Interlock Geomerging The infinite budget is enabled for bridges (I don't know why ...) but the budget limit was not exceeded Well, the party that everyone want to see, as in any way nobody cares to wear eye on a novel designed only to describe a map in less precise than a screen: First here is what seems to be the remains of a house with a flying garden, a duplex and the spawn of the attackers. For small 'crappy' campers, a sword, a Needler and a regen 'are available here Then, a structure that appears to be a guard tower collapsed, or perhaps an old artificial hill ..? This wesprobably use to weakened the enemy because there are a drain and a plasma pistol. To link the two buildings the forerunners built a huge bridge wich is not standing now. It only remains now that passage of maintenance, deployable cover and a laser are present. The crumbling of the bridge appears to have destroyed most of the temple that was there, only the lower level have resist. All precious relics were engulfed and only light weapons are still there. Finally, this village seems to have been built in order to protect something: The defenders' base is very protected but not impregnable, the damage on the outer wall have been such that only a few foundation of the wall is still standing. However sentinels have left their marks as a Sentinel beam is still in the bunker, and a tripmine is can also be used by the defenders. The mongoose of the first research team had been forgotten here, we ask visitors to bring it to us . That's done ! Armes : 1 laser spartan 1 sword 1 sentinel beam 1 plasma pistol 1 needler 2 plasma rifle 3 smg/spiker some AR Maybe more than ten BRs Yes, this is a list neither exhaustive nor accurate but only heavy weapons really count =) Équipements et véhicule: 1 powerdrain 1 regen 1 deployable cover 1 mangoose Petit tip : La map est cassable, mais celui qui arrive à sortir en game mérite une pomme =) Finally, I am not certain of all respawn, tests have been slowed by the person who dislike the flag, the bomb, or I do not know what else ... Thus, I invite you to note the different spawn problems (objetctives or players) that you may encounter in your games. I hope you'd appreciate playing on Structures ! Another DL : file And I really apologize if my english is not clear enough, I was bored to traduce all by myself so I use google trad, and even with few correction it may result in many mistake...
This most certainly has one of the rarely original back bases, I really like it. The regular center of Foundry looks like you were experimenting with random structures, and you have much open might want to look into thoughtfully filling that space up.
pretty much exactly what sdrakulich said. nice interlocking and aesthetic structures, but you need more or something because it is too open. and you said the map is breakable, so I would work on that just because being unbreakable is a huge plus for a map.
In fact.. I WAS experimenting random structures, but in the end they are all linked. I know that it's seems to be open but even if you don't touch a wall you are covered, it's easy to hide or escape fire because of the placement of objects. The only really opened zone is between the center and the catwalk... But you're right, the first idea of this was'nt a thoughtfully one =) It's reaaaaaally hard to break the map, and I consider it as a challenge for player (I'm a lover of H2 tricks =) ) There's only one way and it use a non-common technique and luck
you have amazing forging skills just not good layout skills. the structures look good but the design is to well. 2.5/5
Little up : Map mise à jour : respawn have been optimized, particulary in objectivs games. Moreover i decided myself to mak the map unbreakable, and it's done normaly Covers have been a little changed (Interlocked A and B sign in middle structure, some géomerge are more smooth...) New link updated : : Halo 3 file details