Sandbox Stronghold

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Element7Skater, Apr 28, 2009.

  1. Element7Skater

    Element7Skater Ancient
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    Hey people whats up this is my first map I'm posting here on Forgehub so I'll try my best.
    Stronghold is a One Flag CTF map that is to be played with One Flag or my Variant: Citadel. There is a Castle on the Defender Side with walls and Watchtowers. There are two ways in, the front; the drawbridge or the side; teleporter. The Attacker Side has a section of tube pieces and corners, with a grass area and Sniper Rifle. The Castle Watchtowers have One BR and 2 Frag Grenades(You can only get in through the castle teleporter and out by grenade jumping out or killing yourself :) )

    Game Variant, Citadel : Halo 3 File Details
    Map Variant, : Halo 3 File Details

    Pictures! NOTE: Please forgive me if I post the images wrong. Thanks =)

    Overview of map
    Attacker Spawn
    Castle Watchtower ( 1 of 2 )
    Defender Side ( Castle )
    Drawbridge with water

    Alright I tried my best to post the pictures and put a good description so please give some feedback and enjoy my map! Sweet! Got the pics up!!!
    #1 Element7Skater, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  2. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    I downloaded your map and checked it out. You def. know HOW to interlock the pieces, but on some parts, like the mongoose platform, you should spend abit more time on it. I like the line of sight for the snipers though. I think snipers would dominate on a map like this. I'm not too sure why the mongoose is there though. You should try to make it so there is more ways to get to the base, other than the one thin path and teleport. I know that probably defeats your idea for the map, but I don't think it would be very fun for the attackers. Overall though, I really like asymetrical maps, and this one is pretty good. Good luck gettin those pics up. Use Imageshack. Its easy, free and works for me.
  3. camyhead1

    camyhead1 Ancient
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    ok first things first images to embed them you need to save your bungie pics to your computer then go to a image uploading site i suggest photo bucket get an account only takes a min or 2 then you upload pics to internet then get there img codes and paste them into your thread simple not really
  4. Manoukian1414

    Manoukian1414 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    there is a guide to embed pics in my signature, you have an hour to fix it.
  5. Element7Skater

    Element7Skater Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks I'll take your advice :)
  6. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Here is the tutorial... it's in my sig, and DO NOT double post, (Post the same thing twice, or yourself posting twice in a row without anyone else posting)
    Edit: NM you didn't double post just 2 maps are named the same thing in a row....
    #6 STWOW, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  7. DarkestofAngels

    DarkestofAngels Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, I would download it, if there wasn't a 100 Custom limit....But from what I can see, WOW. Great for your first map. I just really love one side games, and you really know how to interlock REALLY cleanly. Although the snipers might take over the map. Oh and one more thing, for the blue light, interlock it with a block so it's not sticking out and bright. It will still have the light, but just not blinding light.

    Great job. 4/5

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