Download :Strong Hold This is my First posts This map is a small based map that goes good with regular slayer and has a good asortment of weapons. The map is a giant ring centered around a two story base that is in the center of the map. Recomended players 2-8 Overveiw of central base Another veiw of central base second story of the base Veiw of the ring around base One of four entry ways to main structure Another veiw of top Bottom level inside sheilds Bottom level outside shields Center of middle structure More of the ring around base Inside building Enjoy Incase you missed download here it is Download
ive seen a lot of stronghold maps but i would like you to change the name you dont have to but theres like 10 versions from like 5 people but this map is great interlocking and i like how the map is set up looks cool one question is the shape of the map a dome just asking. I LOVE THE PICTURE DOWN THE BOTOM [oh boy this is gonna get worse before it gets better]
its not really a dome its more of a circle it has an open roof outside the main structure and on the second level
can you get ot off the top im guessing no but it is an awsome map i can tell you that well it sucks for me i can not play this or any map without me lagging sad face we are on dial up sad face ohh yer the reson i have so many medals and stuff because some times i go to a freind house to play it
I give you a 3/5 for this one. First of all, try to make your map more gib because I think that it is literally tight. I also suggest removing the shield doors...............and the mongoose. Why would you put a vehicle in a very small map? Oh and removing the shield doors help prevent camping
this map looks amazing to me. great interlocking etc. but the sheild doors just ruin it. the ones on the bottom are the worst, they seem almost pointless. and shield doors encourage camping. if you make a v2 i suggest getting rid of the sheild doors. otherwise, amazing map. looks fun for 1v1. i give it a 4/5
this map could use some work but you did put alot of effort considering hoe much interlocking there is. But the shield doors just look sloppy and there's really nothing on the outside.
k thanks ill try to come out with a v2 soon i put the mongoose because it was just omethuing to put there i try and clean it up and take out the sheild doors Or i might be comeing out with a new map soon oh yes there is a way to get of the top there are four holes that take you to the lower level of the main building
Love it man. Totally enclosed maps are getting harder and harder to come by. I'll give it a download. I'm a little worried that you might be able to jump out, but I guess it'd be fine as long as your not playing with retards.