Hey all, have finally just finished my first public release of my map named "Stride". It is my first map that I have truly worked on and have put a lot of effort into it. It is currently designed for team slayer and I'm looking for play testers to test it out and see what they think. New game types will be supported soon but for now would just like some feedback on the map. Any constructive feedback would be much appreciated More pictures can also be added if necessary. Thanks
we cant test it after you posted it and theres no pics so i cant give feedback work on that then well talk
You need at least one screenshot or video to get this up to standards. Here is a guide to posting screenshots.
For future reference, to everyone who's posted here, let the mods do their jobs. Report any threads that are not up to Forge Hub standards, because how are mods supposed to lock a thread that isn't up to standards if they don't know that the thread even exists? Anyways... You have twenty four (24) hours to make this post up to Forge Hub standards. These standards include: A thread thumbnail showing your map A description A working download link Pictures (at least 3 recommended) Any other information you would like to include A screenshot posting guide is found at the link below. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-r...reenshots.html ANY POST STATING THIS THREAD IS NOT UP TO STANDARDS WILL BE TREATED AS SPAM FROM THIS POINT FURTHER
besides the whole pic issue, if you need feedback on the map, post it in the testers guild, thats what they are for. then you can check back in the review hub after a few days, and get your advice.
He can't post this to the testers guild, we don't take maps that have already been posted. Also, this sound like a pretty interseting map. P.S. Your link to your map is not working. You can fix this by KEEPING your map to your file share.