I have strict NAT, (Network Adress Translation), and I can only join people who have open NAT. How can I change it? My WLAN-router is horrible, and many forums are filled with problems about the NAT... How can I open it?
visit this site PortForward.com - Free Help Setting up Your Router or Firewall all you need to know is what kind of router you have and the serial number or whatever. eg, mines linksys and WRT54G so i would scroll down to find linksys and under that category I'd find the number Then you will follow the guide
My suggestion would be to invest in a new router. I've been plagued with the same problems, and even after I port forwarded I still had NAT difficulty. Before buying a new one, check online reviews to make sure it works well. Or even check for a "xbox live" ready sticker you can find on the packaging.
i have this problem when im at my dads. at first we used a router and worked fine, then it started "not working" except if we used the modem. so we got a hub and it worked, but gave us strict nat, whereas with the router and modem we had moderate nat. u cant really change it. so my advice like DTL said is to get a new router, or just deal with strict nat.
I had NAT problems myself. I spent forever trying to figure out how to change my Moderate NAT into an Open one. Its really simple if you have a Linksys router, just type your I.P address into your web browser, a login window will pop up. Type your username(if you have one) and/or the password. It will take you into the broswer-based Linksys firmware. From there, go to applications and gaming and type this into this: First 1. Application: Xbox360 (type in the first row under application column) Start: 80 End: 80 Protocol: Both I.P address: Self-Explanatory (your Xbox's I.P address) Enable: Check the box Second 2. Application: XB360 (type in the second row under application column) Start: 3073 End: 3074 Protocol: Both I.P Address: Self-Explanatory (your Xbox's I.P address) Enable: Check the box Click SAVE SETTINGS, Your NAT is now open! If you don't know your I.P address, just go to the start menu, open "run" and type in "cmd" or "command." The command window will come up, now type "ipconfig." After typing that, you can now see your I.P address. It isn't impossible to change your router's NAT. But it is impossible to do it with a router that isn't Xbox supported.
Heres a few helpful links: Xbox.com | Xbox LIVE Discussion - Xbox 360: Static IP and NAT Guide Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
My advice would be get a new router. I know of a Linksys model that was wonderfully cheap (I think I payed around $50-$60 for it at Best Buy just search their online store) but I currently use an AT&T 2WIRE gateway and it runs amazingly. I never have a single connection problem whatsoever on it.