Hey people. This is another "Streets" map I created. It's more balanced then its predecessor, Streets 2.0. I interlocked a majority of the map, but didn't geomerge anything (I felt it didn't need any geomerging.) I also added a "****, I'm in the wrong place at the wrong time" room, a very deadly door, a bridge, and a number of little hiding spots. Don't criticize if you haven't downloaded and played it. In order for someone to truly be informed, they need to experience it for themselves and not just look at couple of pictures. This map supports slayer, team slayer, and infection. it works best when there is a small to medium party. 2-10 players. There is also a secret about this map that the pictures do not show. Enjoy!! Download it here. Weapons: - Battle Rifle 3 - Assault Rifle 2 - Spiker 2 - SMG 2 - Magnum 1 - Flamethrower 1 - Rocket Launcher 1 - Sniper Rifle 1 - Brute Shot 1 - Mauler 2 - Plasma Rifle 2 - Needler 1 - Machine Turret 1 Equipment: - Frag Grenade - Plasma Grenade - Spike Grenade - Firebomb - Flare 1 - Deployable Cover 1 - Tripmine 1 - Active Camo 1 Vehicles: - Warthog 1 - Ghost 1 - Elephant 2
Alright the map looks o.k. (it would look better with geomerging) I am assuming this is for team games because of the bases. Even for a base there are WAY too many weapons by the ghost. Also the bases seem a little unfair, a warthog and a mongoose? The custom power up trap and fusion coils coils seem like they don't help game play at all and are just put there to take up space. Also the weapon placement isn't that good. the weapons are all clumped in the bases and are not spread out throughout the map. The map isn't originally and has been done many times. If your looking to make a great map try making something new and original (pallet parade,purple monsters,coin slot) Aesthetics 3/5 game play 2.5/5 originality 2/5 Sorry if I sound a little mean but I am just making suggestions on how to improve your map.
This map looks pretty good and i can understand the weapon hoards for infection but does it change when team slayer or slayer is played? Well anyway decent looking map but then i saw 2 elephants and was like wtf!@ Are those the sercrets, did you do as a joke to see if anyone caught it or was it a mistake please reply to my question. It looks decent but the weapon placement killed the download from me sorry. Keep Forging though!
The map looks overall clean but not so balanced. I hate when people put those "big rooms filled with nothing but fusion coils" as they serve no purpose and only promote lag. In the vehicle list you put "elephant - 2".... Please explaing that.
the map looks pretty cool the interlocking and weapon set is very balanced and from the pics looks like it could be good gameplay 4/5 P.S how come it says that there are 2 elephants on the map
I would just like to comment that your map looks good, but gameplay will be terrible. I can say this because of the mountain of weapons, equipment, and vehicles you have placed. If you remake this map, you should place only a few weapons, even fewer equipment items, and 1 or no vehicles. For a map this size I would suggest 2 BRs, 2 ARs, maybe 4 dual wieldable weapons, a bruteshot, and a shotgon or mauler. I would say a regen, a power drain, and a camo would be suitable, and maybe a ghost. Other than that, everything else you have placed is useless. Remeber when laying out weapons/equipment/vehicles, more is less.
Just for people that are a little confused about the 2 Elephants, it was merely a joke since you can not possibly have Elephants in Foundry. I decided to put more weapons, equipment and vehicles and this one because in my former, Streets 2.0, there was not enough in it. Maybe i have over did it a little. I will come up with an Update as soon as I change it. Thanks for the feedback.
Wow, I laughed my head off when I saw the vehicle set. Great humor! Apparently some people didn’t get it, though… Anyway, on to the map! +Interlocking: I know that there is no geo-merging, but that is fine by me. The interlocking, however, is spectacular. Everything looks very well designed, and it looks like there are no bumps on the map whatsoever. -Weapons: This looks like a mid-size map, but it has the weapon set of a much larger one. I would recommend toning down the power weapons a little. =Vehicle set: The vehicles look like they could be a little much, but they seem to be balanced by the limited movement and equipment. -Equipment: The equipment also looks to be overpowering for such a small map. It looks like it could be way too easy to camp with the bubble or regen. +Layout: This map has a great plan and layout, and it definitely looks like a street. It’s hard to come up with original designs, so kudos to you! -Camo room? I know that you intended for it to be something where you might be in the wrong room at the wrong time, but I would just plain avoid that room. Any room with 13 explosives is too dangerous for me, and I doubt anyone would go for camo. +Member length: For someone who has only been here a month, this is spectacular! You interlocked perfectly! =Structures: The structures, although not ground breaking, look like they do the job, and they do it well. +Trap: Man, I just love maps with a little twist to them. Great job on the trap. It’s always fun to surprise my friends, and here them scream and yell. It also looks like the dumpster blocks that hallway, which is just pure genius. Total: 4 +’s 3 –‘s 2 =’s Overall, it looks like your forging skills are great, but you need to work on strategic weapon and equipment placement. Once you get that down, your maps will be ten times better! ***These ratings are based purely on the pictures and description of the map that the author gives in his/her post, and are subject to change with DL and play on the map.
I'm going to be honest but I don't really like it. The map doesn't look clean but don't take it hard from me, its just an opinion.
The interlocking on this map is actually really smooth. you might be looking at a feature man. 10/10 keep it up man, cause you're doing somthing right.
This map is really creative and well put together.So things can be worked on but besides that i like it. Good job
Hmmm. Although it looks very neat, and, i have never seen much like it before...it looks a bit overloaded. A warthog, on foundry? And a ghost! And look at the weapons by the ghots, its like a mini armoury. And armourys are generally a bad thing. Aside form that, it looks very neat, prehaps take out the hog and the armoury, and it might play very well.
Update Well I took your guys advise and took out a large number of weapons, equipment, and vehicles. I moved the remaining weapons and equipment around the level to more evenly balance the map out. One corner has rockets while the other has a sniper. I was going to take the warthog, but left it in because the size of the map restrict the use of it (Like in Streets 2.0 and Turf.) In the camo room, I changed the amount of time the fusion coils respawn. I was going to take the fusion coils out but I love the idea of throwing a grenade into that room and smoking one of you buddies in a free for all. I also took out the armory by the ghost, but added a bridge in the center and moved the flamethrower on it. I hope these few changes have improved the map. Keep the comments coming, I like the the info you guys put out.
Sorry about the delay on the review, i've been a little busy. Now, i like the edition of the bridge and the bunker under it. They both look like they would add a cool twist to gameplay and they both go with the map. Your weapons list is diverse, but may be a little numerous. I don't know for sure, though, since i haven't played the map (no tengo Xbox). Your interlocking is smooth and i think the map benefitted from it. The first Streets is a little more aesthetically pleasing, but you definetly experimented a lot more with weapons and such on this map. The street may get a little crowed with two vehicles at times, but i think we can live with that. I would agree with taking out the "danger" room, but it's your map. Some of the parts of the map seem to be "unfinished" and maybe could have been made to look better, but it's nothing that will affect gameplay. Good job with experimenting and trying out different things on this version. Keep forging and things like appearance and weapon layouts will come easier. I'll try to download it sometime and try it out, idk when, but i'll try. 3.9/5 Good job and keep experimenting with different maps. (2 elephants, lol)
this map looks pretty good. it looks fun although its a bit overloaded with equipment, weapons, and vechicles, try using less of that. The map itself looks good though. Just try to adjust your weapon balance.
The map has an interasting map layout but the only thing i didnt really like is where the custom power up is,the double open box shouls at least of geomerged.But beisdes that,the map is very unique and does look like streets,good job.
Just by the looks of this map, it looks like it's in for some serious carnage. I think the map looks really cool and just by the pictures I detect a hint of Turf (Just some similarities). I'm going to download this and I can't wait to get playing with some people. This looks like it'll be a good map. >>Pre-Gameplay Rating: 4.5/5 EDIT: I just played it. It's a pretty good map. Lot of potential camping spots and areas where you seemed to get a little lazy. Overal: >>Post-Gameplay Rating: 4/5