Author: k disc k forge Map Name: Streamline Map Canvas: Forge World Map Size: Medium Player Count: 2-14 Supported Gametypes: Assault, Capture the Flag, Infection, Juggernaut, King of the Hill, Oddball, Slayer, Team Slayer, Head Hunter __________________________________________________ Description: This asymetrical map is enclosed, easy to navigate, and is 1 level, excluding the catwalk in the main room. Long hallways connect 2 main rooms with drop holes sometimes too wide to jump, thus making for more weapon fighting as oppossed to shooting running up and pummeling. All gametypes are a good to go excluding invasion, territories and race. Infection with fast zombies works great. Flags are work great with spawning bridges Spawns Set for max party sizes in all gametypes (ie.4 teams of 4 in slayer) Plenty of weapons spread out 1 mongoose Other Unique Enclosed Maps Spitting Cobra Mr. Rogers Miami Marina Mergatroid's Xboxx Mergatroid's Sublevels Mergatroid's Train Mergatroid's Eyeball
I like the large gap concept. Feels very Bungie, Halo CE-ish. It is kind of hard to tell from the pictures but are grav lifts the only way of getting across the gaps (without jetpack)? If that's the case you might want to add some bridges in some locations to improve gameflow.
The gravs just get you to the second level 1 just happens to go over a gap, a sprint will get you to the other side of the wide gaps, smaller gaps are easily made with a regular jump. Thanks for looking
Spread out nicely 1 sniper 1 rocket (1 clip) 1 concusion 1 grenade launcher 1 needler 1 needler rifle 4 DMR's 1 Sword 1 Shotgun 1 plasma luancher 1 plasma pistol 1 magnum