Legendary DLC Streambed

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by evilvillager, Nov 28, 2009.

  1. evilvillager

    evilvillager Ancient
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    Streambed takes up the whole Cold Storage. This is my attempt in rebuilding the original map and add in things that would change how the game would flow. There are quite some noticeable changes, like an added in grav lift and a newly placed ramp. I have not play tested this yet. But any feedback on the gameplay would be great.

    Download Link: Streambed

    Weapons List
    --coming soon--










    Tactical Jumps



    Download Link: Streambed

    #1 evilvillager, Nov 28, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2009
  2. another orphan

    another orphan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks pretty coolio, I like the jumps. I like how the ramps and everything are smooth and not janky and rough.
  3. MaxpOO95

    MaxpOO95 Ancient

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    cool map, but you can do the 1st and second jumps without the aid of the grav lift or that wall.
  4. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    This is surprisingly the first map I've seen forged on Cold Storage mostly because this map is really tough to execute a design. However, I must say that you actually made changes to the map that could be really great for gameplay, and my favorite part is that everything looks like it was already there. Really nice job evilvillager and I'll DL to check it out in person...
  5. Bigb779

    Bigb779 Ancient
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    I like it a lot more then the regular Cold Storage. This map allows you to move around easier which was great. Cold Storage made it so you had to go all the way around the map to get to someone on the bridges. This makes it easier. Nice job.
  6. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow nice map . I really like the coldstorage map and now this map are amazing so coldstorge are better . Your lift are great but maybe we can camp back of them . Good weapon selection and goood tactical jump .
  7. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    i have seen a lot of coldstorage maps and i got to say all of them sucked, but you took an old clasic and inprooved its style and im sure if Halo 1 map designers see this it will make them think twice about what they should have done for this map i think this is better then the origanal but none the less it is a veary good map. im not sure what else you could improove but things i have a problem with is the corner wall if it had a slope above it then it would be a lot better and players wouldnt have a chance to do that jump of camp up there. but i have to give this map a 4.5/5
  8. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    This adds a lot to the cold storage canvas. I like the jumps and the new pieces. It looks quite terrific you used the existing pieces to and added your own to match them to make a nice map 9/10.
  9. evilvillager

    evilvillager Ancient
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    Btw, thanks for all the positive feedback guys.

    I'm not too sure on what you guys mean by the camping issue. Are you talking about camping on top of the corner wall (of the grav lift). If you are, then I'm not too sure about how it may be a concern since you'll actually be more exposed since you're so high up without any cover.
  10. evilvillager

    evilvillager Ancient
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    Could anybody answer my question?

    Anyways, if there are any people out there that have played on this map. It would be great if you could share some strong and weak points on this map, because I'm considering on making a 2nd version if there are enough things to change.
  11. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, the only things I currently dislike are theGrav-lifts, and the sniper spawn. Both look just too lazily put together, and the grav-lift probably works fine, it just doen't look all that great.

    Great job on the map though, it really is impressive. That curving ramp in picture number 2 is great, and you get a download from me.

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